NorthlandMan's forum posts
One could argue that there isn't much to play on it right now :)
Value is relative. You do not need component cables or extra controllers. Really? Is third party support a joke? There are 131 developers working with the Wii now. They are? Online is being released with SM Strikers. You do know that it takes anywhere from 12-18 months to make a game, don't you? You cannot just say, lets make a game and make it in the same month, it takes time, and money. The VC selection is huge, have you taken a look at it since launch? There are at least 15 excellent titles.foxhound_foxI'd say component cables were a must on many TV's (or RGB scart if they were not availble). That number of developers SOUNDS impressive but both the quantity and quality of support right now is severely lacking. Take crapcom for example, they have a gun survivor game and a generic looking platformer called "treasure island" coming out. Hardly earth shattering and the VC selection is indeed huge, but i wants more. Give me some saturn support and some squeenix titles and i'm all set!!!
font face="georgia,palatino">Our opinions seem to be polar opposites. In my eyes, 2 games and Wii Sports would in no way justify a 250 euro purchase. Hell, 9 360 games have barely justified the purchase of my Xbox, but that's just me. Plus the future lineup has not interested me at all. Again, that's just my taste in games and in no way represents the quality of the Wii's lineup. But hey, maybe my brother will buy one and save me the money. :PMy thoughts exactly. there are a handful of Wii games worth getting right now, and there wont be much more by the end of the year. In addition the level of third party support is a joke (as i said before) with only 3 or 4 third party games coming out that look genuinely exciting.
[QUOTE="MyopicCanadian"]And most developers are NOT targeting the Wii for their serious titles.
because the commited their resources to the 360/ps3 long ago (who thought the wii wouldthis successful?). they can't just abandon them just like that. they are however shifting the resources of future products that they haven't started on yet.Â
I hope to see a partial shift to the Wii pretty soon (in fact i'm counting on it). It's safe to say that many of the smarter developers will be shifting alot of resources to the Wii (so that rules out capcom)p>Aren't most of those games ports? and isn't Gamespot pretty much alone in the assertion that PSP has better titles than the DS?New System Wars rule. Better scores does not mean better games.
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