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#1 NorthlandMan
Member since 2007 • 2302 Posts
[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"][QUOTE="HeedleGlavin"]There's no way to know if a game that hasn't been released yet has a "chance" at being good or not.HeedleGlavin

Perhaps you should show the TC that list in your blog?

Good call. Here's the list of confirmed studio support: - And, of course, unnannounced projects Looking good, indeed.

yeah, but spewing a list of (mostly unknown) third parties prove nothing. In order for the Wii to actually to prove itself there will need to be a range of third party titles that use the Wiimote in innovative ways, but still provide a significant amount of "bang for your buck". There needs to be some genre defining titles in the vein of Metal Gear Solid 4 or Bishock. So far all i'm seeing is fruity afterthoughts like Dewys Adventure and crappy spinoffs like umbrella chronicles. The only third party stuff that i've seen that is genuinely exciting is no more heroes, nights and project O. Everything else from third parties is just last gen ports or half arsed trash
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#2 NorthlandMan
Member since 2007 • 2302 Posts
[QUOTE="eo12601"][QUOTE="Rahnyc4"]what genre of games do you like TC
I can play pretty much anything. The only games I'm not a fan of are sports games. I like racers though..

definitly look into getting FF3 for the DS, thats a must..

It's definately a good RPG but it is by no means a must. The best RPGs on the DS will be out this year (DQ9, the new Bioware RPG, ASH). Other RPGs worth getting are the afoermentioned FF3, Pokemon, Rune Factory, Etrian Odyssey, Tingle, Revenatn wings, crystal chronicles, wonderful world, among others
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#3 NorthlandMan
Member since 2007 • 2302 Posts

[QUOTE="NorthlandMan"]I think that it's inevitable that there will have to be competent third party support on the Wii at some point in the future (considering it will soon be the market leader) but when do you think we'll see it? The only third party games coming out this year that have any chance at being good are Nights, No More Heroes and Dragon Quest Swords. Everything else looks like crap. The first party support on the Wii is (as usual) unparalleled but the quality of third party exclusives is still the most important concern as with any console. When do you think that we'll see some serious efforts from developers (other than Sega or grasshopper) on the Wii? skbmassive

Trust me on this answer, NEver ever. It will be a system for Nintendo games only. Maybe a handful of good 3rd party games until they abandon it completely.

I would have agreed with you if it wasnt for the DS. But the DS has SPECTACULAR support from third parties. Konami, Squareenix, Bioware, Level 5, EA, Ubisoft, Activision, Namco et al have loads of titles out and in development fr the system
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#4 NorthlandMan
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Well there's No More Heroes, Treasure Island Z, Dragon Quest, Opoona, RE:4 Wiimake, RE: UC, NiGHTS, Boogie, and a few others all as a result of the Wii's success.

It takes more than 6 months to develop a good quality title, and seeing as how the Wii's only been out that long, this is to be expected...

Be honest though, how many of those titles have the makings of a AAA title. You could argue the case for Nights, Opoona, DQ Swords or No More Heroes. Umbrella Chronicles is a gun survivor game (last i heard), RE4 is a port, boogie will be a great game for casuals but nothing more and Treasure Island Z looks like a "competent" title at best. I have yet to see any third party title on the Wii that has completely blown me away.
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#5 NorthlandMan
Member since 2007 • 2302 Posts
I think that it's inevitable that there will have to be competent third party support on the Wii at some point in the future (considering it will soon be the market leader) but when do you think we'll see it? The only third party games coming out this year that have any chance at being good are Nights, No More Heroes and Dragon Quest Swords. Everything else looks like crap. The first party support on the Wii is (as usual) unparalleled but the quality of third party exclusives is still the most important concern as with any console. When do you think that we'll see some serious efforts from developers (other than Sega or grasshopper) on the Wii?
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#6 NorthlandMan
Member since 2007 • 2302 Posts
F3 DS, FF6, FF7, FF 12 in that order
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#7 NorthlandMan
Member since 2007 • 2302 Posts
Definately the DS The PSP offers nothing that you wont get on your PS2. It is on it's last legs and it is completely unsuitable as a portable videogame machine and an MMP3 player. The DS has an amazing future, superior first and third party support, a much better variety of games and better prices all around. I've owned both inthe past so i think i can speak Authoritively on the subject
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#8 NorthlandMan
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I think it's pretty clear to be honest. Buy 360 now and PS3 in a year and half's time. Also how on earth is Blu-ray useless when the PS3 games are...blu ray? HD-DVD in 360 would be useless yes.Riviera_Phantom
I dont think thats an option for alot of people. Alot of People Simply cant afford a PS3 (+ all necessary extras) as well as a 360 (with all necessary extras). I dont think it's an attractive proposition anyway considering that developers are increasingly choosing to go multiplatform with their games. As for HD movies, they just suck in general. There is no way in hell anyone in their right mind is going to spens money on replacing their DVD collection with HD-DVDs/Blu Rays . The expense is too great, the movies often lack many of the features that DVD's have, they selection is a joke and the difference isn't asm prononced as many would have you believe.
75%????? Are you mad, woman????albi321
No word of a Lie. It was in the most recent 1up yours podcast.
Value is measured in the long run, son. It may have lots of bells and whistles but if you aren't taking advantage of those bells and whistles it's a waste. The PS3 throws a bunch of neat but otherwise needless junk into their product and jack up the price to something ridiculous.AncientDozer
Excellent point missus. Right now we are seeing next to nothing of the PS3's power thanks to the overwhelming majority of titles being multiplat. In the future, when the PS3 is in enough homes we'll have to see. But for now these bespoke titles are sparse. [QUOTE="AncientDozer"] The 360 gives you everything you need and then lets you buy all the extras if you really think you need it and I really don't. Don't care about wireless or HD movies. I'm fine with my Premium 360 and a few extra remotes. That's it.

HD Movies are indeed useless. Wirelesless compatiblity or HDMI ports are incredibly useful, especially when you are buying a suppossedly "cutting edge" piece of technology. [QUOTE="AncientDozer"] Going back to the long run. Sure, white knight looks fantastic and is coming somewhere down the road but look at Mass Effect. That thing looks spectacular and it's coming around a lot sooner. Do you think Microsoft and its partners are just going to sit on their butts and not push the bar ahead?

Mass Effect does indeed look Spectacular. But white knight story is the most next gen game i've ever seen. The way the enemies moved (like real people) was awe inspiring and conevyed a battle better than any game i've ever seen before. And the battles themselves actually felt like battles, when an enemy struck a shield it actually felt like they were striking something solid. Mass Effect was less impressive Simply because we have seen much of it before. The noticeable improvement were more subtle (i.e. things like the conversation trees etc).
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#9 NorthlandMan
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it doesn't look nice. The water looks nice and the amount of enemies on scren at once is awesome but the graphics as a whole are rubbish Rogue squadron 2 on the GC probably looks better
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#10 NorthlandMan
Member since 2007 • 2302 Posts
It's not exactly a stretch to say that 360 and the PS3 are basically the same thing with their own strengths and weaknesses, but I don’t think anyone can doubt that the 360 has a much better games lineup right now. Still I'm glad I haven't bought a 360 yet and I’ll tell you why. First off the hardware failure rate. I remember hearing on the recent 1upyours that 75% of their 360's have failed, as far as I’m concerned that's a ridiculous statistic. There hasn’t been such a high failure rate since the original PS2. It makes me extremely apprehensive about buying a 360 Secondly there's the hardware itself. The PS3 is much better value for money hardware wise (even though the blu ray player is useless). In terms of raw power the PS3 is said to be noticeably more powerful than the 360, it's just that this power is very difficult to extract. In addition the PS3 is far more future proof and feature rich than the 360 Elite (a supposed realistic alternative). As for the controller, the six axis does indeed suck. But apparently we will soon see "the next generation of rumble" so there may be hope for it yet. Another thing worth mentioning is the online. I am not an avid online player (if I was I would much prefer the PC to consoles). As such a lot of the Xbox live features aren't really that useful for me. To be honest I’m more intrigued by home on the PS3 with the second life style interface . As well as that I resent having to pay 35 quid a year to occasionally play against people I don’t know online. Lastly the games. As I’ve already said the 360 OWNS the PS3 right now in this (the most important) department. But games like White Knight Story have already demonstrated animation and graphics WAY beyond anything on the 360 right now. And it looks as if many of the titles we would class as 360 exclusive WILL be coming to the PS3 in the future. There also seem to be some great devs looking to work on the PS3 such as bioware so who knows what we'll see So for now I’m happy to wait, and I’ll continue to do so until the best option becomes more clear