@cooltoast No. The hype was built up due to a 250 million plus marketing budget. A budget unlike the world has ever seen before. Littered with promises that the world has never seen before. Painted as an experience we have never seen before.
Every aspect of it's marketing was telling us how amazing Destiny is and how groundbreaking it is.
@vault2049 Dude. Bungie paid Gamespot a ludicrous amount of money for advertisement. Gamespot has so many Destiny Defense articles and so many Destiny articles in general. They definitely received some big ass checks.
Which makes this score of a 6 extremely honest. Read the whole article. He explains his position with several pages of essay length exposition.
Vault that's cool that you like Destiny. I am having fun with it to. But to discredit this amazingly done review is ignorant. All the facts point to Destiny paying gamespot oodles of money for advertisement. Kevin did his review his way regardless. That is called integrity.
You aren't just giving an opinion. You are trying to discredit another's opinion for not agreeing with you. Not only is what you stated immature, it's extremely disrespectful.
@dannydopamine8 Twitch isn't a competitor of youtube. Also internet monopolies don't have much of a precedence yet. Twitch isn't the only streaming service and there are dozens of websites that offer similiar features.
@ECH71 Please elaborate how they ruined YouTube. Since they bought Youtube they streamlined it, made HD videos possible (2k+ resolution), added 60FPS capability for videos, added more revenue platforms for creators, and more.
So once again, how is adding usability and increasing quality of videos ruining it?
@Sevenizz People got sick of "American Made" being slapped on something when in reality most the parts came from another country and it was barely "American Assembled".
That is the problem. There are still plenty of people willing to support an "American Made" company as long as they aren't BSing everyone. American people have been alienated one too many times.
@rasterror Just to clarify, being "in the black" is good. It means it's profitable. Sony needs to get out of the "red" (aka red ink used to show negative/unprofitable numbers).
@Dredcrumb9 GTA V is third person. You can't compare them at all. Plus the focus in the GTA series has never been purely on shooting. Plus it's a game where you have dozens of pedestrians in crowds.
OldDirtyCR's comments