@visionedorange I've always wondered why certain people seem to be prone to having "defective" merchandise. Is it terrible luck? Or are these people butter fingers that drop their console the second they get it and try to say it came with that scratch?
Obviously defects exist. But the amount you have witnessed is really pointing me towards you contributing to some of these problems.
@CFritzRun It'd be idiotic to throw away the hundreds of millions of dollars they spent on developing it at this point. It's not a simple change like allowing used games. That would be a huge HUGE waste of money for them to abandon the kinect before public consumers actually get to play around with it in their own home.
X1 is going to sell out at launch regardless of whether they drop kinect now or not. This can lead to two things
1. People find out that it's actually quite integral to their gaming and X1 experience. Consumer opinion of Kinect goes up and developers flock to incorporate it. Microsoft Wins
2. Everyone hates it and it goes unused. Microsoft can release a cheaper X1 next year that doesn't come with the kinect. Kinect becomes what the 360 kinect currently is.
They remove the Kinect. Kinect remains what it currently is for the 360. They have lost hundreds of millions of dollars and stomped out any potential of the Kinect being popular or well liked.
There's no logical reason for them to abandon the kinect before X1 is even released. Please don't enter the business field because you don't have a grasp on how it works. You don't understand Microsoft because you don't understand basic business.
@oskuuu I personally hate motion controls overall but your comment is naive. It's obvious he's not talking simply about voice controls.
The ability to walk into one's house, say two words, and have your media center boot up and recognize YOU specifically in is something straight out of the Jetson's. It's not just basic voice commands. This is the future people dreamed up back in the day.
I'm personally going for the ps4 initially (and will buy the X1 later on) but your comment screams blind fanboyism. Do I think there will be much practical use for all these voice features? No. But the notion that this is inching us closer to the day when we can walk in the house and tell it to fill the tub or make me a meal is intriguing.
@RobDev You obviously know nothing about development or how businesses work in general so stop commenting on it.
Artists do not code AI. Programmers do. So how the hell does having Artists work on their part of the game mean time has been taken away from gameplay and AI?
On the resource side, you have no idea the budget of this game. So that comment is equally dumb. Game's of this scope are not made by a single person. It's not a constant battle for time. You have hundreds of people each working on their specific task.
@ThisIsTwoFace Blind Ignorance at it's best. Search Call of Duty and then search Battlefield. Battlefield has more posts/videos in the last 3 months than CoD does by FAR.
This is a big DLC for CoD, so it gets a page. Just like Battlefield DLC gets a page. Get over yourself.
You make us Battlefield players look stupid, please stop.
@exedeath I'm a little confused as to why he/you aren't defending the used game lock. This was the biggest people issue had. They could've swooped the constant online thing without as big of a backlash if they didn't try to make it so the game you buy is worthless the second you put it in your system.
I am a PC gamer firsthand, so I'm used to having games be worthless once I play them. But consoles have always been different in that regard, and that is one of the selling points.
So please, tell us why not wanting the product's we buy to be worthless means we live in our mom's basement. Where exactly do you make that connection?
@MJ-X If you have the ability to steal hundreds of millions of dollars, hundreds of millions of credit cards, etc, you don't think you would make time for that?
This is honestly the worst conspiracy I've ever read.
@Barrakas21 Yes because arresting someone for stealing over 160 MILLION debit/credit card # is ridiculous.
Get over it. It's not a wiki leaks type issue. This isn't related to just classified information. This theft on an absolutely insane scale. How much money do you think was wasted by banks and credit card companies who had to sift through and reverse fradualant charges. What about the people who find out their bank account is empty, or that they have thousands of dollars of charges on their card?
This is not an issue of politics. This "man" messed with the lives of normal people. It's saddening to see people like yourself try turn this into a political debate.
OldDirtyCR's comments