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Edited By OldDirtyCR

@abentwookie @evil_m3nace Seriously what the heck are you even talking abut abentwookie. You act like it costs you money to have a game sitting on your HDD while you play it. You can easily uninstall it when you are done playing the game and reinstall it in the future.

I have a feeling you are going to quit gaming altogether soon because even Nintendo games are starting to exponentially grow in size. Games towering over 25 gigs is becoming common and now that both consoles support blu ray this will be the norm

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@dannydopamine8 Even though you have a decent rig you seem to be unversed in PC gaming as a whole. It's pretty much a universal constant that PC games are horribly unoptimized at launch in regards to video performance. This is why we get new drivers released within days usually to fix these issues. Every game you listed had these same issues of poor performance, all of which got fixed with drivers.

If it isn't "buttery" smooth then that means you need to adjust graphic settings. Many PC titles include some insane graphical settings which even the beefiest of modern day gaming PC have trouble keeping up with. PC gaming is not plug n' play like consoles. You don't just install the game and start playing. You need to adjust the settings to match your computers ability (as it stands your computer cannot handle the settings you have it on. This may be because of the issue I stated previously, but until they release new drivers you need to accept that you cannot max this game).

As for the pillows, books, lightbulbs, etc. Seriously? That type of feature is implemented in maybe 0.01% of video games. Thats by no means a standard in video games or shooters. What you are requesting is a demanding physics engine that allows every object in the world to have physics. Even Crysis doesn't have all those features.

I'm not blindly defending this game at all. I don't think it's a perfect game in any stretch of the imagination. But your physics complaint is ridiculous and your performance complaint is something that is universal to PC gaming.

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Edited By OldDirtyCR

@00J @chaos-06 Those have purpose. They make motorvehicle and pedestrian navigation easier, lower mugging/rape/etc crime rates, and simply make everyone able to see without needing a flashlight.

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Edited By OldDirtyCR

@00J @awarbrick89 You are paranoid 00j. This guy's job is literally to analyze and deal with high tech energy efficiency. He's done just that and nothing more. You act like every worker in the government is secretly looped into this agenda of bashing (violent) video games. I'm sure his first day of job training was spent brainwashing him about video games.

Video game hardware is not immune to criticism. You're delusional if you think it should be. He brings up a great point; is being able to turn on your xbox with voice command worth 15 constant watts? Especially considering this is a feature that only a small minority take advantage of or even want. Thus this is wasteful and falls into his realm of researching energy efficiency of high tech devices.

There are tons of politicians and government agencies that deserve your disdain, but he is not one of them. It's a noble goal to strive for higher efficiency as we go into a high tech future. It's stupid to waste energy on something that is not being used.

I think the whole point of this article went over your head when you went into "grab the pitchforks and start an angry mob" mode. It has nothing to do with consumer cost or money. Energy is not currently an unlimited resource. One day oil, coal, and natural gas will be gone, period. This is a fact agreed by both political parties. Since our society depends on non renewable resources energy IS important. This is why the NRDC exists to begin with. It's not about saving the consumer money, it's furthering the country's ability to sustain itself.

Please stop making gamers look like fanatics.

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Edited By OldDirtyCR

@Alexrmf People like you who spout such ignorance are why feminists exist in the first place.

You believe women are soft and caring, so they are unable to do certain roles. This is why feminists say what they say and believe what they say. There have been huge gangster females such as Griselda Blanco.

I think complaints about being no female protag is stupid, but your reasoning is sexist and ignorant. Apparently it's "twisted" to want to have a female gangster. Wtf?

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@SgTFuzzy-18 @Mr_BillGates To be fair, if this came out for PC it would've took away from sales. I know for a fact that several people in my group of friends would have pirated it if it was cracked Day 1 for PC. Instead they are forced to buy it for console because the hype is unbearable and they can't wait months to play it.

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Edited By OldDirtyCR

@montblanc512 @Xyllix @vexxouds Yep and tons of those characters are basically clones and the majority are useless and unbalanced. There's a reason competitive fighting games don't have 200 characters.

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Edited By OldDirtyCR

@freedom01 @Findy37564 Please read the article before commenting. Hell, just reading the title alone would be enough in this case. "Game INDUSTRY", not Japanese games. He is referring to the industry, the very industry he works in. I'm not sure why importing Japanese games gives you any idea or clue about the gaming industry in Japan.

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@megakick This logic is painful. There is NO Kinectless bundle. So until that day, you can't use that shady math. Microsoft has stated many times that there is NO plan to release a X1 without Kinect. Kinect IS the X1.

PS Eye is an optional peripheral. Your $ for the new kinect is painfully ignorant. There's no way it's going to cost that much, and considering EVERY console has one, there's no need to sell them individually like that. Once Microsoft releases an X1 without Kinect you can make these claims. But know that the second they do that the Ps4 will drop in price accordingly.

On a side note, what's it like to be completely disconnected from reality? I've always wondered how that felt. To just be able to pull numbers out your *** and state the complete opposite of what the company itself stated days ago.

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@ydnarrewop Glad I wasn't the only one thinking this. For someone whose every word is scrutinized and blasted to the public, I'm shocked he made such a newbie mistake.

Cheaper is fast food. This is not fast food. "$100 less expensive" paints a much better picture and doesn't cheapen the quality of your product. Saying it's cheaper makes it sound like it's made poorly.