Well realistically, I would think shooting a human corpse doesn't actually make it flop around and slide on the ground. If anything blood should simply start bursting out along with chunks of human flesh, but I think german video game violence laws won't let Crytek do that (Crytek is a German developer). The fact that you can't pick up dead soldiers and throw them at living soldiers though is inexcusable!
An element of FPS games that's kinda bothered me since the introduction of ragdoll physics is that ALL corpses simply flop around when you shoot them these days, and it makes me miss the good ol days of Quake style gibbing. I think FEAR got the closest to what I wanted from dying enemies in that even though their bodies were controlled by physics, they woulld still have limbs blown apart or torsos cut in half by your weapons. What I really hope more developers do is physics controlled body parts from gibbed corpses. I want arms, legs and skulls flying realistically through the air leaving a mid-air trail of blood!
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