um nintendo did make a statement that wiiware is supposed to be mostly third party, i mean come on, almost everytime its mentioned they say they are giving a chance to third party and independent developers a chance to make a game that isnt going to pose as big a risk as full fledge titles so this whole nintendo owes us attitude is very misdirected
im thinking if nintendo were to do it you would be the pokemon, but it would be cool if you were the trainer, then you could train capture and battle with other people, the more i think about it the more it seems to be a good fit, this whole pokemon mmo idea
mine came with bruises, i bought mine at a gamestop, i had parked behind it where i always park and when i came out some poor soul was trying to steal my car, i say poor soul because in the end my car had 4 rather large dents where his head went into it, stayed up all night playing zelda and in the morning reported it to the police hah
im sorry but the name sounds like something the owner would say after sinking alot of money into the company and realising they have nothing to show for it yet
actually gyrostar looks notoriously similar to a homebrew game that came out on pc by 2 bros, i cant remember the name of it right now but if they are similar it was a great game, very unique levels in that some of the levels had parts in them were the track would spiral or part of the track only continued upside down requiring you to manuever your fighter around the track while killing enemies
i know im going off topic but i wish we could just gift our points, i have points im not using, alot of points im not using, and a few friends who need points and dont have the $20+ tax to spend, i know i can just gift games but that may leave me with too few points a little later if i decide theres something i want, or atleast allow more uneven point numbers so that we might spend our points without worry of being stuck with just a few points of not buying what we want, besides that i want to see more shmups, i remember blowing lots of time and money on shmups growing up, and this guy john has finally closed his arcade down :( he was such a cool guy i wish his arcade lasted longer since i only just found out it existed, oh well he had a good run at it, roughly 15yrs sry off topic again
being a hobby programmer myself, i was excited by the idea of wiiware, im hoping some truly indy companies can bring some good unique titles to the system, i love lost winds but when it was all over, i was left with a somewhat empty feeling, none the less i enjoyed it, to me the controls were spot on, im thinking all the control issues people suffer depends on the wii remote in question since some of the complaints ive read about in other games never happen to me or i have problems no one else mentions
i dont see why not, but nintendos ip's are like their children and they themselves have stated they have no interest in mmos, im hoping someone will try an mmo in the future, and if there is one down the line, i hope its an original ip
error codes can be caused by the power supply/power source fluctuating, you may have a problem with the neutral or ground in the electrical socket, or maybe you're drawing too much power from the breaker switch, i have a weak line and so sometimes i get the 3 red rings but its a false error code, try an outlet that isnt too loaded or an outlet on a different line, if it continues then its a problem with the xbox, xbox power supply, or xbox power cord
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