@Dirk_McHardpeck Other games that have had this kind of situation have usually offered the expansion at a reduced price than the whole package. Best example is Street Fighter 4 and its many iterations, but in all of those cases, they were still installable patches to the core game. I'm really not sure what could cause the need for this, because I've seen some ridiculous download sizes on both the 360 and PS3.
@COPMAN221ISBACK @OmegaGear Uh yeah, I'm not disputing that fact. I'm saying it only makes sense that external drives are supported for storage of files, or the HDD replacement/upgrade feature won't have the ability to make a back-up for easy system restoration once its done.
@COPMAN221ISBACK I really think some clarification is needed here. I find it hard to believe that these systems don't support external drives at all, since even the PS3 allowed the transfer of files that way. That was how you backed up the system when upgrading the internal harddrive. What exactly does Sony expect us to do? Just completely re-download everything if we upgrade? I honestly think the PS4 and XB1 will both support external storage, just not playing games directly off of externals. If that's not the case, well, then both comapanies are just being stupid.
@monkeypukefight It's probably because the image is projected in the full 360 degrees, and not just forward at the tv. Just a lot more projector bulbs increasing the cost, basically.
It's all about the games, and you have fewer and fewer in the pipe each time 3rd parties announce multi-platform titles with the Wii U missing from the list. The fact that he named 4 first party titles in naming 5 total franchises on their system really paints the Nintendo picture. At some point, Nintendo has to bite the bullet and make a home console that appeals to the masses.
Well, all of those contents at least have some value to it, although I don't think it equals anywhere near a million dollars. Kind of strange that they throw in a Prius on top of the Lambo lol.
@kiramasaki @jflkdjs @Wula_ He wasn't talking about online. He was talking about local multi-player with his friends. I get where he's coming from, and notice, his wording includes the Wii in that group of "other consoles", assuming he's owned it.
OmegaGear's comments