@TrueGB @Hammmodi Start the level over? That was a standard feature of every difficulty in Devil May Cry 3. How about Dead Space 2? That had a mode where you started the whole game over if you died, and you got a whopping TWO saves total (3 on 360, because of disc change freebie).
@Clownbabby @xlord121 I'm with you on that. The 400 series is still enough muscle for today, unless you truly need those high to max settings. I would consider upgrading from a 480gtx though, since it was a "lemon" as far as its temperature was concerned.
Franchise fatigue? How about straight up franchise mishandling? Resistance 3 did a terrible job of finishing off the trilogy, and in no way answered any of the questions started by the second game. I know it's just an FPS game, but hot damn, never have I seen something with so much potential so poorly handled.
Saying it's like Devil May Cry is just what game sites say about any action mmo. I guess they either think their audience is too dumb to understand it any other way, or they're dumb enough to actually think its a sufficient comparison.
This is why the common folk shouldn't vote. Can anyone really make a case for how Notch has been influential to the world? He hasn't even been that influential to gaming. He has had one surprise indie hit, and promptly abandoned the "indie" label by choice. Sure, he runs his mouth off about corporate structure, and how it's bad for games, but has he honestly done anything beyond that? I really don't think so. He certainly hasn't done anything of influence outside of gaming.
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