End the US game market as we know it? What is this member of anonymous on? Zynga is in no way even a significant % of the videogame market. They're not even that big of a player in their two markets anymore. Just let this animal die in peace.
I think Apple proved to us all that with enough words detailing the finest points of designing something, you can successfully sue a company in America. Apple's beef was over tile layouts, icon shapes, and button placement. If Sony can use words to show that the ad agency was recreating the Kevin Butler character through the actor's dress and mannerisms, then we have ourselves a fight.
This isn't even the first time something like this has been done. The original George McFly actor from Back to the Future tried to sue over the replacement actor mimicking his performance (apparently was his natural flare) in Back to the Future II, which was that guy's job to do in the first place.
These aren't done without support for the claims. Sony isn't making wild blind swings. Fact is, the laws are so multi-layered with so many exceptions and exceptions to the exceptions that we can't just approach it with our base reasoning. To most of us, whom don't have a public reputation/image to lose, this may seem silly. When you do, though, and when anything can be damaging to you, your revenue, and placement against your competition, you'll do what you have to to protect it.
@TruthTellers I wish I could find a job somewhere else, "just like everyone else" since being laid off. It really isn't as simple as you think it is. The pool isn't big enough for everyone.
@gullgullgull It's true that many of them will find jobs, but to say that any talented people will find work at another company is naive. Taking out a huge company is removing jobs from the pool. There aren't neccessarily jobs being put in to replace them. My point is, people should hope for POSITIVE things, rather than hope for bad things to happen to others.
These same talented people are not enslaved to EA. They can take their talents and ideas elsewhere, or even start a new developer. The fact is, more bad than good is going come from a multi-billion dollar company biting the dust.
Wow... I can't believe all the people on here that want EA to die and for its tens of thousands of employees to go jobless. You guys need to get over yourselves and hope a company changes for the better.
@DiverseGamer It's probably in between the iPad and iPhone in terms of screen size in order to compete in the cheaper tablet market. I can see it selling, since there's probably a group of people that want an iPad, but don't want to pay 400+ for it.
@Garagorn888 @mrboone01 Yes, the OS itself is closed for programming, but it's not closed in the sense of creating applications for it, which is what everyone is making a fuss about.
@gufberg @unreal101 @DarkSaber2k Heavens, no. If Apple did that it would become socially acceptable and "coo"l to be seen in public with. The downfall of society as we know it.
OmegaGear's comments