@abnergoinbig @premier024 That remains to be seen. It certainly helps the WiiU, but being an exclusive may hurt the game's sales figures. I just hope they fully utilize the WiiU's unique features to produce something amazing.
I think a big reason is the massive middle finger they gave to players. Weaving a mystery doesn't mean senselessly ignoring every question in each game and then closing up the series with a credits sequence showing the good guys winning it all. To this day, there's no answers as to why the Khimera came, what stopped them millions of years ago, why the wormhole was important, or anything else that got players hunting for those stupid journals.
I think Resistance was a promising series, but overall, just view R2 and 3 as fumbling the ball. R3 especially, was a massive let down.
@jasongm @HiroArka They fail at keeping peoples' interests? That's about the only thing they do with their own titles. They're always multi-million sellers, despite some of them being very very old franchises. You want to talk about Nintendo's failures, its in gathering and retaining 3rd party support.
@thereal-15-cent @bananaclawz @pcty That was a very special case though, because it was for Mario's 25th anniversary. The only other special edition console I can think of from Nintendo was the Black GC with the Zelda collection, but that was also for a special occasion.
Granted, in 2-3 years, one can assume the consoles will be cheaper, and possibly packed with free game bundles.
@thom_maytees All if Nintendo's systems have offered different SKUs. The article is saying this will be a departure from launch offerings. I'm not sure if the NES offered different SKUs at launch? I know the SNES through the Wii did not.
@vicsrealms I loved it the fact that sometimes the paradigm system decided to show each character's shift individually, taking up over 3 times as long to perform. Bosses would rape my party while this happened.
@NeverMore0 It sounds like ti won't be a strict time limit, but rather based on actions done. I remember Dragon Quarter had a similar system, although that damn timer counted down with almost every footstep you took.
OmegaGear's comments