[QUOTE="Onetouchable"][QUOTE="Xeratule"]That's my point, WoW is only 1 game so there must be much more than 9 million gaming PCs. The game just released an expansion pack this gen, so it should still be counted as current gen. Graphics doesn't matter unless you don't want to count the Wii.
ok, it does NOT take a gaming PC to run WoW. it's probably harder to find a PC out now that can't run it than one that can, and just because someone owns WoW doesn't make them an automatic "hardcore" PC gamer, I know plenty of people who play WoW, but have never heard of games like Boishock.
If you are paying a monthly fee to play a game, it's automaticly hardcore. Graphics doesn't matter unless you want to discount the Wii all together.
so all the little kids who are members in runescape are all hardcore?
also...if you go somewhere like...here: vgchartz.com/worldtotals.php
you'll see that compared to console gaming, PC games barely sell at all.
although I do agree with the person who said that PC games last longer
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