@InFI_Chronos right now a lot more than the next xbox or ps4. It also being a nintendo console seems to be favored by kids more. They aren't wanting to play my xbox. But, nintendo really needs to try and do a better job, I'm not impressed. By the same token, their isn't a new game that has came out in the last couple of months or next few that I need to have. If you can't put it on my new system, I will play some wii games I missed while playing other systems. Just my view. Actually been playing super nintendo, I never beat yoshi's island, but now the cart is not working doh.
@wcbigguy4 @Incubus420 @Yannakos launch games are also mostly bad or ports, that is the main reason I see for backwards compatibility. Nintendoland, crappy mini games, Mario beat, so load up some old wii games I haven't beat, just to use the new system for example.
I used to type commands into a dos prompt and fix by own pc when I first got my 386/486 in middle school, wrote basic program on the c64 before that, have a ccna, and don't care a thing about facebook or twitter. However last time I went in a bar, I was amazed at all the people sitting using their "smart" phones to log onto facebook. People that know nothing of computers and live in a town of about 800 people. It really amazed me. I can't say it does anything for me. Oh boy I can watch some one else play a game! Almost as useful as nintendo's mii posting (whatever it's called), but then I do see some cool drawings when playing new super mario U.
@vindog800 I have had bad experiences on both, and experienced forms of cheating on both. Of course I think shooters are more fun when your opponent is in the room, I really can't get into trash talking someone I don't know. But a buddy I just shot in the head, oh yeah. Why I have played magic the gathering more than any shooter. I liked co op more in borderlands then I have like any shooter, just my opinion. I can't understand why people buy so many shooters, I understand why companies make them, easy to churn out and the number sales are often good for some, but... guess I will try the online play again when black ops two gets here for wii u, which I don't have to pay for online play.
@Vegeta-sama if the next PlayStation still has free online play and app use (what else does ms offer I don't know because I don't care, who does), then I'm with the ps. I sold my first 360 because I could play (on the occasions I felt like playing online, free with sony's system. I now have 360, but don't pay for live, nor will I. I really don't know why I haven't sold it and bought another ps3. I can play mario kart on my wii u for free. It will be a deciding factor along with the ability to purchase physical media and play used games when I and millions of others buy our next systems. I really don't need both, as neither has exclusives I feel I must have, unlike nintendo. Halo shooter, gran trurismo drive sim, both good but not good enough to justify having both. Greed is a killer.
@Alx1231 @BradBurns and many of the games on tablets and smart phones have more depth, are more "hard core" and so so much cheaper than say nintendo land. What is nintendo's audience, a bunch of aging gamers like me who still pay to play mario or zelda and then let the console sit for a year or more while we wait on the next game? That's the point I guess I'm making. I will say most of the kids who have played have liked it, but it is the latest and greatest for the moment, and nintendo games like mario appeal to younger and older people, but is that enough?
@GSJones1994 @The_Deepblue what new announcements? You have year at least before any of the nintendo first party games come out. If you want to play wind waker you can pick it up with a game cube and super mario sunshine for less then it will cost for the remade version in 9 months or so and play it now. You really might want to play one first. Most multi player uses the wii controllers, I still don't know what nintendo tv is other than a novelty tv controller, also the super long loading times. I grew up on nintendo, love mario and zelda, but I have a system that will sit around for the next year, except when I might play a regular wii game on it that I haven't finished.
@Alx1231 @gdnmt Yeah people do want to play third party games on wii u. More so given the limited amount of games and long wait times for Nintendo first party games. Am I just supposed to wait a year or two after buying the system and the rushed content lacking super Mario u for the next game to play on it? If Nintendo feels that way they are not going to sale many systems after the initial offering. I could just sale mine take a slight loss and a sale from Nintendo the buy it again in a couple of years when the next Mario and a new Zelda come out. Yours was a very ignorant comment.
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