Lots of complaining, but this is a good deal for me. I own the last two Doom games, but I haven't played the other 4 for some time. The replica and steel case are what make it worthwhile, but the regular pricing is what held me back from buying it originally.
@betablocker68: It just doesn't make any sense to me. What's the point? What does it add? Why aren't these kinds of design decisions optional for people that want to use them? I do not mind skipping this game, I just don't understand the thinking behind the decision. It's inconvenient for people who can't dedicate a big chunk of time to a game because the developer purposefully did left out a basic function that allows people to play and stop whenever they want.
@betablocker68: When players are forced to mod for something as basic as a simple save function, it's bad design. Whatever the purpose behind these o tuse design decisions, they're still dumb.
If I thought I might be interested in this, this kills it. Why? Why do developers do this? There is zero reason to have a restrictive save system. None. At all. Life happens. Sometimes to have to get out of a game right away. That can apply to everyone. Making your save system restrictive is not player friendly. I would love to see developers stop punishing players and start making games more accessible for everyone.
Good list, but I am wondering what this years surprise hit will be. Seems like we've been getting a big one every year. I am still really disappointed that Marathon was turned into another trend-aping PVP shooter. I guess Doom The Dark Ages will have to be the single player shooter to get excited about this year.
I'm really glad this franchise has done well. I've enjoyed both the previous films and the Knuckles series to an extent. When they first announced they were adapting Sonic into live action, I expected the worst, so it's been a nice surprise. I've heard more positive about this one than negative, with everyone seemingly saying it's the best of the trilogy, which is great for me because I'm a fan of both films. I look forward to seeing this one this weekend.
@gr4h4m833zy: They're not the best of video game adaptations, but they are well done and entertaining, especially if you're a Sonic fan. Stories aren't anything to write home about, but the actors make it worth watching, with all the animated characters being great and Carrey's Robotnik being the highlight.
I like that they're still giving it attention, but I feel like this is an ip that could get continuous content development. I can't wait to see what is in store for the sequel, though I'm worried we might get a repeat of mistakes, but I'd like to see a game that gets regular content updates as if we were playing the ttrpg and coming back for more sessions.
Well deserved. It's an excellent RPG. Although I've largely stopped being interested in turn based RPGs, Metaphor gives enough creative choices to make it fun and strategic. The story was probably one of my favorite this year and every character is well developed and interesting. Wasn't my top choice, but it's still a worthy title.
Pierce_Sparrow's comments