@thebandito: Rebirth's story borders on awful. It's needlessly complex and introduces story elements that are completely unnecessary additions to a story that was already perfect for the game it was. The game is good, but it doesn't touch Metaphor as a complete package. If you were bored by it, it says more about you than the game.
Good list, but there could be more. It's a testament to how great a year it was. With a number of the games in the comics, I'd also mention Unicorn Overlord which was another fantastic and surprising game.
Besides being VR only, which is very disappointing, the fact that's it's entirely first person and a sequel to Origin leaves me with a very meh feeling about it.
@plurmp: You're still failing to get the point: I don't care. Idc if Rouge has cleavage or not. Idc if Sonic touches Amy or not. Idc if they cut out a joke. Because it doesn't matter. It really doesn't. Your comment being popular doesn't mean anything. All I care about is whether the game is good or not. Nothing you talked about has anything to do with whether it's good or not. None. You're just complaining mostly to complain, and it has absolutely nothing to do with Sonic the Hedgehog. It has to do with you seeing all these things happening, as you've stated, that make YOU uncomfortable. Aww, they made a character you don't find attractive? Boo hoo. They've taken out sexist jokes from games? Boo hoo. They're putting focus on issues you disagree with or don't want to hear about? Let me cry big salty tears for you. And it's gotten SOOOO bad, you're complaining about an anthropomorphic bat's boobs and whether or not the hedgehog touches the other hedgehog. No, none of that does matter. You have an issue YOU need to deal with, which is how upset YOU are getting by the direction of these video game companies. It's a hobby. If you're not happy with the changes, go play something else or go do something else.
@plurmp: Nah, none of these minor, dumb things you're complaining about changes who they are. They're minor gripes for a game about anthropomorphic animals that go real fast and grabs rings. Imma guess you're also one of these dudebros who complained about some of Eve's costumes not showing enough skin or cleavage and losing your mind over that. All minor dudebro complaints.
@plurmp: Except none of what you talk about is "watered down". As usual, it's complaining about insignificant things that only matter to the usual crass audience more obsessed with shallow gaming elements than anything else. Seriously, look at that list of ridiculous things and tell me what if any of it actually matters.
This is beyond what I thought this would do. I expected it to be good, but more around a 6 or 7, 8 if we were lucky. I'm beyond excited. The original is one of my favorite games of all time, so expectations have been pretty minimal. Genuinely hope I enjoy it as much as this review suggests.
It's great that he is so into other mediums, especially movies, and has connected with such great directors. He has the chance to make a truly great film with a top director. That's exciting to me.
Pierce_Sparrow's comments