I'm an avid mobile gamer, but the problem I find is that I am always looking for something that can pull me in like a PC/console game. I don't mean an experience equating to those kinds of games, obviously that won't happen. We haven't advanced far enough that we'll get the same experience, though it seems Google is really trying for that and props to them if they succeed. There have been a few really, really good mobile games that have brought some quality experiences to smartphones, but for the most part, games end up becoming too repetitive too quickly. And for those thinking that there aren't quality experiences through mobile games, there are plenty. It's just a matter of searching for them. It's possible to be a hardcore gamer who plays on PC/console and still enjoy mobile games.
That's really a damn shame. It should be a crime to screw up such a monumental piece of comic book history. The Dark Phoenix story is one of the best storylines in comic book history. If you're not going to make it the very best it can be, what's the point?
@wretch1d: They were all down to a third movie, but the studio didn't want to give Del Toro the budget he wanted. So they made this one instead and it tanked.
@beowulf1211: Correction, I have gamefly. As there's nothing currently out that I want to play, I decided to rent Rage 2. It will be a decent waste of time until something else comes out that I'm more interested in. I used to just buy whatever games I wanted to play, but Gamefly has been a much better way to play games I'm only mildly interested in or more.
@lorddaggeroff: But no one cares what Rage did because no one liked it. When the game was coming out for PS4, I was part of a playtest group for it, and everyone had pretty much the same opinion of it. There wasn't a single player in that playtest group that liked the game overall. Some may have had positive opinions about some small part of it here and there, but by and large, everyone agreed it was a pointless, meandering, boring game. There's a reason this sequel took 8 years to come out and why it got shoveled off to a lesser developer for the sequel.
Rage 1 was a boring, mediocre copy of games that did what it did, but better. Rage 2 looks marginally better, but I am glad I am renting it, I'll be able to play it at 0 loss. Idk what it is about the current time, but this year seems to have few games to get excited about.
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