So, instead of just letting Del Toro make his third film, they decide on a reboot with a lesser director (and I actually like Marshall) and lesser cast (I like them too). And they end up with a lesser film. There's a lesson to be learned here. I guess we'll see after the weekend is done if this reboot was worth it. I suspect not.
@pongman1975: So critics are people like us who like to watch movies. Sometimes they like those movies, sometimes they don't. This critic did their job. If you watch it and like it, great! That won't change whether or not it's a good movie.
People get so irate so quickly. If you don't like what either Gearbox or Epic are doing, don't buy their stuff. Being a whiny, childish brat about it does nothing, and it's clear that the response is not in the favor of the gamer. The small contingent of pissed off gamers who are mad about this aren't going to do enough to affect anything, but maybe, just maybe, if sales suck on the Epic Store, they won't sell it there exclusively next time. It's stuff like this that makes PC-only gamers look like the most entitled brats in the gaming world. You don't see console players bitching and whining when something is released Xbox or PS4 only.
Pierce_Sparrow's comments