the way i see it all modern "rpg's" originated from pen and ink like D&D, to catogorize all these similar games into different genres is like like saying an apple is not a fruit because its "different" from an orange, therefore it should have its own "special" catogory. It makes no sense.
What CRPGs like Oblivion or Neverwinter Nights inherited from PnP RPGs is only the technical aspects, which don't actually make sense on a computer. Things like character sheets and special dice were created to be managed by hand, which meant that concerns for realism often had to be cast aside; however, a human being with the gift of common sense was there to make things work. The Role-Playing element which is the true purpose of PNP games was largely lost in the process of computerisation.
If roast beef came to be categorised as fruit because you can eat it, there would be a problem of vocabulary, don't you think?
The definition of rpg is a game were players assume the role of a charector and follow/ create a storyline. players determine their actions which work or fail according to the games preset rules. Improvization is key, and players decisions affect the outcome of the game.
Agreed. But this contradicts your first point as most games labelled as RPGs don't have these characteristics.
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