As I see it, there are three types of games:
Casual games - Games that your mom would play. For example: Internet flash games and most of the popular stuff on Wii, Singstar and that sort of stuff. In short: Simple games with repetitive gameplay that are marketed to "non-gamers."
Mainstream games - Games that you can hear your typical teenager talking about. For example: Halo, Counter Strike. They are more complex than casual games, but not nearly as complex as Hardcore games.
Hardcore games - Games that are very complex, usually hard to get into and aimed to a certain dedicated fanbase, aka Cult games. For example: Deus Ex, Fallout (-3), Thief. These games are usually referred to as classics by the gaming community, and are often played many years after release, whereas mainstream games are replaced by more popular ones. These kind of games are often played exclusively by "Hardcore gamers", and often are ignored by the mainstream and have moderately poor sales.
What is a hardcore gamer then? Well, simply, hardcore gamer is a gamer that meets one, or usually more of these traits:
- Has been gaming for a long time.
- Has a large game collection.
- Playes games more than average hours per week.
- Enjoyes discussing about games on his free time.
PS: Nice signature. Civilization, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, System Shock, Deus Ex, Elder Scrolls Morrowind and excellent games.
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