@externalpower I wish they would release a basicBox with just gaming capabilities and internet for online gaming. Then an UpgradedBox with all the other BS!! Too bad no one would buy it....
I want so badly to like the X1 but every neuron in my brain tells me if I buy it I am an idiot! Why must it have such good exclusives....I think that's why they are doing all this!!
If the gamers decide, then why didn't Microsoft listen to all of us when complaining about everything they put into the box? Obviously we aren't in control, oh Microsoft nice try/recovery we are all on to you!
@RENE4THEWIN I agree, I love how the guy on the left just smiles about everything. They both should be frowning and throwing stones at MS for this ridiculous piece of equipment. They better have one heck of an E3 show...or this Xbox is sunk.
@frozenux I totally agree, its an internet television with a face camera. E3 holds all the hope for me buying an Xbox One they better show off some awesome games and really suck me in because right now im running away!
So...you're telling me nothing is free anymore. I wonder when they will start charging you for time spent on your xbox. I'm sure that's gonna be a required patch 2 weeks after launch. My mind is blown by all this craziness....I hope none of it is set in stone!
RAD_TRBO's comments