Im pretty glad I didn't go out and buy this. The fact you cannot play offline by yourself is a joke. I get why they wanted to do this but it just doesn't seem like a good idea, and especially when you cannot even play due to server issues. Such a shame.
@sunyatanada76 @RAD_TRBO @SirNormanislost that it was? But, any online shooter these days warrants at least a war cry with my contoller darting across the room! Im suprised your TV help up to a blunt object thrown at it, your lucky!
@sideshowboots i completely agree i think it looks out of place small and awkward! At first glance i seriously thought it like flipped open to reveil and touch screen, that would be cool but, i don't think it does?
I think the touchpad looks janky and out of place i honestly thought it flipped up to unveil a LED touch screen or something...but I don't think it does. I wonder how they will incorporate it into games i think it will be interesting. I really like the whole headset idea and being able to listen to actual game sounds through it, and the lighting is a neat idea is it gonna be useful i cannot wait to see!
I have bought a few CE of my favorite games Halo, GOW, etc but honestly, the only CE I have purchased that really I feel was worth is was Halo 3 there was a ton of extras such as themes and such and GOW3 the gear is kinda cool? Other than that the others i have bought were just okay.
@GamerOuTLaWz @adamfazai SO glad to hear someone mention Outbreak! Those two games were so fun. There was a lot of unlockable characters and the fact it was a group of randoms...not the typical jill, leon, chris,ada was a nice change! They should honestly maybe go back to that and maybe it would rejuvenate the series...but at this point it needs alot more than one good title!
@Printul_Noptii @RAD_TRBO Completely agree, i have no clue what happened to the series it was honestly one of my favorites, but it really went downhill...FAST!
@Printul_Noptii YES, i have been saying this for so LONG! It was the BEST of the entire series, why they wouldn't do like a throwback package and just remake 2 and 3 put them together is beyond me, because honestly it would actually be quite profitable im sure!
RAD_TRBO's comments