I don't understand how they could "require" an internet connection whether every 24 hours or not. Where I live internet connections are bogus and you have to have wifi and you have a block on how much you can use. So basically I cannot own a new xbox because it will probably drain our monthly allowance of data. And what about those people who have NO internet at all? I think this is the worst possible decision ever.
Also, why do we all need another piece of equipment to watch shows, I can use practically everything for that I want a console not a cable box! Come on Microsoft you got some time pull it together...for the sake of gamers everywhere!
Glad this review was posted, because i was wanting to go get the game tomorrow, maybe i will just rent it? I really enjoyed Dead Island regaurdless of its major flaws, if this is worse it would be quite terrible?
Sounds cool, looks cool, but the price is not cool. I would never spend that much money on a tablet when you could buy a desktop/laptop with better gaming graphics. Not to mention why would i carry a HUGE controller around with me everywhere to play a game? And also, this would probably get stolen if you take it out on the town. Plus i cannot wait to see how many are destroyed from walking and playing, not to mention the casualties?
@ViskiJack I agree, they milk series so much these days that it just ruins them. Like Halo, the first 3 would have been okay then they did spinoffs and prequels although they were good it just get annoying its like will it ever end?
Not gonna lie I'm usually hyped about new GOW but for some reason this has no appeal? I actually had no clue it came out even. It's a great series too so im slightly disappointed.
I wish they would just allow me to live there! I love VALVe and all their games. I seriously wish that they would release HL3 or HL2 Ep 3 just like everyone else the anticipation of knowing more about Freeman and Alex's story is killing me! Especially after how Ep 2 ended, i mean come on we have been stuck wondering for far too long!
RAD_TRBO's comments