@Donut0389: Fewer options is NEVER good for the consumer. Exclusivity deals like this one are PURELY for the benefit of the developer(Deep Silver) and the company who gets the exclusivity(Epic). People are deluding themselves if they think this is in any way beneficial to the consumer.
Anthem was pretty obvious......its an EA game. And anything heavily invested by Microsoft is generally seen on Microsoft Store. The surprising ones are Division 2 and Metro. Luckily Division 2 is available on both Epic and Uplay, so you still get somewhat of a choice, unlike Metro.
It is concerning to think that 3rd party games may not only become PLATFORM exclusive, but also LAUNCHER exclusive on PC in the future. Definitely not knocking on healthy competition, as that is what keeps the market going and drives prices down. Competition is GOOD. But exclusivity for 3rd party games based on launchers/clients seems like a dangerous precedent. You SHOULD be able to get 3rd party digital games on PC from multiple sources, not just one. If not, it all becomes about who can afford the exclusive, not who offers the best deals and services to the consumer.
Fewer options and fewer choices are never better for the consumer.
@rickjamesia: Halo 5 didn't have it, nope. It was the main reason I bought an Xbox was to play Halo 5 split screen with the girlfriend. Ended up only have online coop for a single player per Xbox. Total bummer.
I think the main concern was they had it on preorder for months on Steam already, and now have to yank it. Only those who preordered before today will get to keep it on Steam. Which is good. This would have been a disaster had all the Steam preorders needed to be cancelled and refunded just a couple weeks before release.
Steam is being a tad unprofessional by very openly whining about it, sure. But they are losing money, after all. A very last minute notice of them pulling the game off a client would have bothered just about any company.
I am personally avoiding using Epic Launcher by any means necessary. I am already forced to use enough clients to run games because of exclusivity crap.
But this should force Steam to rethink their business if they want to stay competitive.
@phoenix1289: Typically a demo usually involves taking a chunk of the FINISHED product(or near finished) to introduce to players in the hopes that it will entice them to purchase the product, or reinforce their confidence in the product they preordered. This "demo" wouldn't have even passed as a beta. This was borderline Alpha stages.
I understand where you are coming from in terms of how betas work, though. Everyone should know by now that betas are not a completed product and shouldn't be viewed as such. However, this was promoted as a demo, which most presumed would be a piece of the finished product, not an old piece of the game that is outdated and broken. They should have just marketed last weekend as a beta, not a demo.
They claimed 9 million hours were logged in demo gameplay among all players. Little did they mention that 8.5 million of those hours were probably spent in infinite load screens......Or load screens in general.
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