@brightsunbeam: Exactly what I was looking at. Sounds like a game trying to push the trendy political agenda crap on us. I don't care the protagonist is black, but the fact they have to specifically point out that he is AND give him the "police brutality" background is just silly.
I thought they already said it was going to be in 2017 a while back? Or at the least, it was pretty much assumed that it wouldn't be coming out any earlier than 2017? Doesn't seem surprising.
Yeah registered players really doesn't mean much. Wouldn't really mean much if you had 100 million registered players if only 1% of them was still active. WoW had something over 100 million registered players, but only like 6 million are active, last time I checked on it. Big difference.
Make good looking female leads = sexist. Make average looking female leads = What? Females can't be strong AND attractive? Make games without female enemies = sexist. Make games with female enemies = What, you promote violence against women?
In this case, make sexy female mechanic who is chipper and fun = sexist. Make female mechanic who looks like a butch = What, women mechanics are automatically unattractive because they are mechanics?
People will always complain about this crap. The problem is when devs starts bowing down to the 1% who complain about everything, no matter what you do. Then games become hacked up patchwork trying to appease the minority.
Haha I love all the people who complain about the graphics. Apparently gamers nowadays think graphics are what make or break a game. Screw all the stuff like the ACTUAL gameplay, storylines, replayability, etc. Graphics are all that matter. Derp Derp.
Ill actually PLAY the game before I assume anything. Judging a game purely by graphics alone is a joke.
I am glad they are featuring different characters in this one, with what looks to be a different environment. Although I am still waiting for Jill to get another full game to herself. She hasn't had her own game since RE3. No love for Valentine!!
I backed this a while ago, been playing a lot of the builds on its way up to release, watching the game update and evolve along the development. Definitely a fun tactical RPG game. If you liked the old Fallout turn based games, you will certainly like this game.
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