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RabbidDawg Blog

Personal Reviews.

Im not going to do reviews anymore. Part of it is lazyness, and part of it just feels pointless.(which kind of makes up the lazyness)  Im not getting paid to do it, if my friends want to know what I think of a game they can just ask.

I started writing a review for Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom...but then just stopped and thought...why bother? I mean my Resistance review was on the front page of the Gamespot PS3 page, for the longest time, and while feeling good thinking, wow I might actually have helped people decide to buy it or not, but then looking at it again and it sounds so uneducated and I repeat myself..I dont want people seeing that.

Im just not a good reviewer so I think Im just gonna call it quits on reviewing. I just dont feel my reviews are really up to par. There are much better ones out there. Ill just add games to my collection and if someone wants to know something they can ask.

Warioware Smooth moves

Wow This game is friggin......Horrid!
Just another wasted attempt at making a party game/mini-game.

I could see from an outside position how someone could get addicted to this game...but $50.00 for a bunch of mini-games is so not worth it for me. Im sorry I just dont see the point, other than if nintendo keeps this up we will have a Gamecube 1.5 on our hands.

I respect those who like this game but for me it doesnt cut it at all. Glad I rented it. Even my girlfriend hated it and she likes those party games and kiddie disney/mario platformer type games. The Wii has pretty much failed me and my Girlfriend on fun other than Zelda and Wii sports.

Now she wishes we wouldve never bought it. And she is the one who originally wanted it. Im looking forward to 2 games coming out for the Wii and thats Resident Evil and Manhunt 2...and thats it. Played the Godfather on multiple platforms and Scarface I can get cheaper for the what do I have to look forward to?....not much I guess.

Old school games are pretty much the only reasonwere going to keep it...but even that is wearing thin....Xbox LIVE arcade is better, as Im finding these old scool games are not rerally that fun enthusiasm for the Wii is slowly dieing...Im at a cross roads I guess:(

Way to go Gears, and back from vacation with some games:D

So gears gets 8 awards for being a technically awesome game:D
While I dont think it hardly deserves any of them way to go Cliffy B. for creating a game so visually stuning and yet so shallow and limited that the masses just love it:D

Gears was ok, but dont have much love for it now, but its good to see that it got so many awards....shows were the industry is going, Graphics before Gameplay. Hopefully Gears 2,3, and 4 will be everything that 1 wasnt...and thats fun! You want fun now play FEAR or Resistance, those are fun.

Obliivon got 2 awards..laughable! Not even going to comment on that lol. Thats just sad. Again shows were the industry is going.

Good to see that Wii sports got a few to.

Went on Vacation and I come back to
On my vacation I bought FEAR, Just Cause, Saints Row, and a blu-ray movie Under World: Evolution.

Got tired of all the game drought crap I needed a fix lol, Just Cause gives me my Pre-Crackdown free-roam fix, FEAR gives me my need to have nightmares fix, Saints Row..I just missed it lol, and the blu-ray movie is frigging awesome..I just love the clarity of the blu-ray movies.

Other than Gears getting awards it didnt deserve my return home from my vacation has turned out pretty good lol. Sorry for being a pain about that game, just dont see what so great about it....same can be said for any game thoough I guess, depends on taste.

F-U Gamespot....F-U

Look at thios topic I created on the forums..LINKY!

It got locked due to the word "tard"...thats right. How many times in a day do we see WOSRE things than this go un-modded, yet 2 minutes after I put up this very simple, non-threatining, non-offensive gets locked and i get a forum suspension of 1 day...F***! THIS! S***!

Gamepsot has done stupid little stuff like this for far to long. A first for me. though normally I have to make racial insults (exagerating) just to get them to look at me, but a suspension over the word "tard".

Yea iwas implying that peopel are weird for buying the game just for the beta...but thats it. No profanity, no flaming, it was just a littlwe word, that means diddly squat.

Im not posting here anymore. F-U gamespot F-U! They let rolls get away with murder but decent topics dont get very far...why is that...biased pricks. God forbid anyone talk bad about the great and wonderful Halo series or MS for that matter.....Like I said Im done posting here..see yall at 1up or on live or something.

I will still respond to blog post, but no forum posting for me EVER! F***! Gamespot!

Getting sick and tired..........................................................

................OF ALL THESE LITTLE BRATS WHO ARE SAYING IN THE FORUMS: WhO tEH Geeting Teh Crack dowN 4 tay HaLO 3 btEA??????????

Honestly the Game looks to be a GREAT free-roam game, and buying it for the Halo 3 beat is pointless.

SURE halo 3 will be excellent but come on....$60.00 for a Beta??????? What is wrong with theses tards?

Depending on how much time you actually have to spend playing the beta,I may just give my code away.....or sell it on Ebay LMAO! I could probably get more for it than I could a PS3 or 360 :lol:

It just iritates me that the spot light is being taken away from a (in my point of view) great free-roamer. I dont know what does anybody else think? ANyone get tired of seeing these rehashed threads? Teh free Game woth our A$$!

Starting to wonder.....

......about whether the PS3 is worth it. Acording to Bethesda Oblivion will have higher resolution textures, and a "few" add ons but thats it.

Apparently a bottleneck in the PS3s memory architecture is making it difficult to add all of the DL content the PC and 360 has. Apparently it can't run ALL of the DLs at once only some so its only getting a couple choice addons...why bother even making it then? What happened to the cells 7 SPEs and the fact that the Cell while not only supposing to be a geration ahead of oter processors is suppose to be a multi-tasking machine, and the RSX GPU was suppose to be designed to flawlessly communicate with the Cell.

Bethesda said the content could be put on the PSN market place, its just that the system cant run all of downloads like the 360 can with out taking a performance hit.

And this also makes see why the other Multiplat games have DL content on the 360, but not on the PS3.........CoD3 maps any one?

Not saying the PS3 sucks but they had better find a way around it. DL content is a big must for me.

If this oblivion thing turns out to be true, Im going to be dissapointed. Seriously reconsidering why I bought a PS3 now.

If it comes to limited DL content in the future I may get rid of it then.

There is hope though. A while back Gamespot printed an article stating that the PS3 could share it memory just like the 360 does. So if this is true, then Bethesda is either Just being lazy or its a silly rumor. Because apparently thats the problem, the 360 memory 512MB is shared and can be allocated as needed for running differnet parts of games, were the PS3 RAM is split 256MB each, but Like I said GS covered this and Sony reps said that the Memory could be shared if needed.

For now Ive canceled my PS3 Oblivion order and will wait for Confirmation on the DL content. NO DL Content, No Oblivion, simple as that. and if PS3 games continue to follow this route, then no more PS3.....and just when i was REALLY enjoying it to:( But DL content is a must for me...Im addicted lol.

Video Games

As of late there have been a lot of stupid threads about Race and fanboys etc. in the forums...lets just be friends.

Ive met a few people in the forums latley that have just been rediculous, but Ive also met a few that seem really...normal lol.

Heres my PSN ID and LIVE gamertag if anyone who is mature wants to add me...even though Im not mature lol

XBOX LIVE Gamertag: LCN bigroy666
PSN ID: bigroy666

At the moment I no longer have any online 360 games, but that will change soon enough:D

And I have Dark Kingdom and Resistance for the PS3, and Fight night Round 3 at the moment.

I hate people:(


But some where it got ugly:( As the post grew on this thread the ugly race card came out. I am so sick of listening to Mexicans and blacks act like white people are all racist.

The thread talks about how some kid is tired of Tom Clancy video games portraying Mexicans getting killed ie GRAW. My first post was nice...but it got ugly and Im expecting it to get uglier.

Then Some douch chimes in with how Crackdown is the game that is racist towards mexicans......How many GTAs have we killed Whites and blacks in? How mnay Asians, Whites, Blacks Mexicans were killed in Saints Row?

This F***ing race thing is getting out of hand. Im a little bit of everything, Irish, German, Indian etc. Im a F***ing Hienze 57 lol, and I dont give a S*** what race you kill in a game as long as its some one lol. But because Im light colored i auto matically am Racist......if Im right didnt licoln free the salves like 300 years ago?

The Jews were slaves to the Egyptions  for like thousands of dont hear them claiming racism every time they see a middle eastern person do you?

I know there are racist people out there and I know that it makes some of us look bad, but when they say that I want to say: Ok Mexicans are just brush picking wetbacks, who live 30 to a house  like roaches smell bad and Rape the  American is that right? No it isnt, but its not right for them to assume all white people are racist. it makes them just as racist as white peopel for even assuming that crap....Its a VIDEO GAME for Christ sake...get over it.

Call of Duty 3

So the first time I rented CoD3 my 360 was in for repair so I couldnt play it, but I have played the Wii version and didnt care for it at all.

Now I loved Call of Duty 2, it was an exciting thrill ride through WWII's most bloody battles. For its time the Graphics Were great, and the gameplay was good.

Well I got my hands on Call of Duty 3 for the 360 again...and Im dissapointed. The visuals are slighty enhanced and the Guns look nicw and shiny as ever...but thats it. The PS3 and 360 versions are better than the Wii version..but still dont cut it for me.

There just isnt enough detail and new things put in to CoD3. When you throw a grenade into a house, full of nazis you expect things to go flying every were...I mean its a grenade for Christ sakes. The out side physics are improved with crumbling walls etc. but the indoor levels look drap and physicsless, and the game play over all is just getting stale. To many WWII games coming many bloody exciting battles are left?

I find CoD3 just to be more of the same from CoD2, but its prettier.....its hideous on the Wii though, and I know the Wii is capable of better. I love FPS there are my 2nd favorite genre...but this one falls short. I actually enjoy Brothers in arms on the Original xbox better...why I dont know.

This is next-gen gaming and I just dont think that gameplay wise that this WWII FPS genre has caught up yet. Same scripted physics, semi-ok A.I., decent visuals, stale story and gameplay.

Perfect dark 0, Quake 4(unfortunetly), Resistance, Prey(decent), those are all great FPS, even though Quake had Framerate issues and Prey is on a semi-outdated engine, even with those problems all these games had a good A.I., un-scripted physics, and a fast paced, action oriented experience, and actually Perfect Dark and Resistance(resistance especially) require some thought and not just rushing in and getting killed.

CoD3 just seems like an aging game with good looks. the actions fast enough, but not good enough to keep me hooked. This is another one Im glad I rented, and Im not just talking 360 here either. All 3 version are equally boring.