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#1 Radiohead85
Member since 2003 • 3068 Posts
Numerous sources have stated that the game looks exactly the same on all platforms. One guy writing for a d-list magazine is not gospel. Wait until the game comes out before you judge it.
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#2 Radiohead85
Member since 2003 • 3068 Posts
I actually don't mind the maturity. It's rather refreshing, being a former 360 owner, to be able to play a game online without someone telling me to do unspeakable things to a wide variety of my family members, it's also refreshing to not be blanketed by racial epitaphs every time I score a point in a game.
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#3 Radiohead85
Member since 2003 • 3068 Posts

[QUOTE="snowman711"]yeah im prob going to get the game, but before i flop down the cash why is this game, so hyped up. I mean i saw it being talked about at E3 and i watched some vids, but what makes this game, so anticipatedStarscream35

it's gonna get boring one day....

I doubt it. The tools available in the game are hugely diverse, and they're all fully adjustable. It's also pretty easy to build some pretty cool contraptions without a ton of effort (my friend got a copy at Blockbuster before they sent it back, so I speak from experience). The physics are great, and that adds a lot of fun to the game.

So, more or less, the game will only be as boring as the community makes it...and I think there are a ton of really creative people out there who will make some really insanely fun levels.

Plus there's the fact that adding expansions to the game will be super easy, I can see MM and Sony doing a lot with them. Additional tools, materials, objects, and other stuff could be added into the game without needing to change a whole lot about the core gameplay.

If you think it will get boring, look at Gary's Mod for Half-Life's a virtual playground much like LBP, and it's still going strong and being improved all the time, even though it's about 3 years old.

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#4 Radiohead85
Member since 2003 • 3068 Posts

Gamefly is alright, and it's probably even better if you live closer to one of their distribution centers (LA, Pittsburgh, Austin, and I think one more). If you live somewhat far away from one of those cities, you could have some very bad service.

I live in Muncie, IN, and it takes about 2-3 days for games to arrive from the Pittsburgh distribution center. I've had some delays, though, and some games have taken about a week, which really sucks I might add.

Their selection is pretty wide, as long as they have the games in. I've been able to get some more obscure new releases within a couple days of their release, but super popular games could be pretty tough to get (though, possibly not more tough to get than at your local Blockbuster).

Their used game service, though, is absolutely stellar. First there's the fact that most of the games they rent, you can just choose to buy them for a reduced price. For example, I rented Disgaea DS and got it 2 days after it released. I liked it so much, I bought it for $26 (retails for $30)...not a huge discount, but a pretty nice percentage. Gamefly also sends the game case and instruction manual to you for free. Also, when you buy a game, they ship out the next game in your queue.

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#5 Radiohead85
Member since 2003 • 3068 Posts

Just because they say it's in stock doesn't mean it's in stock for the special case of LBP. I went to my local Toys R Us today and they had a sign on the door saying that it won't be in stock until Oct. 29. So, the game has been pulled at least from their brick and mortar stores and I'm imagining that their online store is the same situation

It's probably a case that they don't usually have to update their online database under such short notice, and it's showing that they have stock that they really don't have.

Still, maybe you'll get lucky. Who knows.

It's only a week, though.

(On a side note, though, my friend got a copy from Blockbuster literally hours before it was going on the FedEx truck back to Sony. Trust me, the game will be well worth it once you get your hands on it. Tons of fun with friends and solo.)

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#6 Radiohead85
Member since 2003 • 3068 Posts

It's a game....god, some people really need to calm down about things that are entirely fictional.

Here's what I do when I get frustrated with a game: I turn it off and walk away for a few hours. Try it, it's fun!

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#7 Radiohead85
Member since 2003 • 3068 Posts
Wow...someone's late to the party.
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#8 Radiohead85
Member since 2003 • 3068 Posts

If you have an HDTV, then the PS3 is really the way to go. The Blu-Ray player is worth the $400 alone, plus there's the little fact that it's also an amazing game console.

Without an HDTV, you might have a hard call to make, especially since so many games these days are multiplatform.

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#9 Radiohead85
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I dont think there's a way to do it, since the Netflix streaming requires an ActiveX control, which is something that can only be implemented in Internet Explorer.

Kinda sucks...but with Netflix reaching out to other companies to stream their content, it might be only a matter of time until they reach out to Sony.

In the mean time, there's always Hulu.

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#10 Radiohead85
Member since 2003 • 3068 Posts

It's a definite rental. No, it's not a great game by any means, but it's pretty perfect for a really fun weekend of chaos. It's repetitive, but unlocking the new air strikes and vehicles keeps you going for a while.