Muahahaha Nah i'm just messing with ya.anything gay like......
Gears of War or God of War or those f'ing Halo games
Raiko101's forum posts
Viva Pinata DS
It'd be pretty fun :]guitarist4292
I think I heard something like that was in production..
There is indeed.
whaaaaaa how can there be viva piniata ds if it was published by microsoft ? that would be cool thoughBecause Rare make games for the Nintendo DS. They re-released Diddy Kong Racing about half a year ago. It's not uncommon for this to happen. When Sony held exclusive rights to F1 games, they released versions for the Gameboy Advance.
This is totally off topic, I'm sorry
But does this mean it MIGHT be possible for the new Banjo Kazooie to come to Wii?
Personally I feel this entire series is better than God of War, but that's my personal preference. Either way I suggest you pick up Sands of Time and start from there. It's definately a fun playthrough.
IMHO, the PSP one(birth by sleep) is alot better than 358/2 daysArclight_BlueSo you've played them both then?
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