Sounds like an overcharged or faulty battery to me. I'm still getting a good 6-10 hours play time from my battery, the 6 being the rough time if i'm wifi connected. Still it sounds like you did the right thing anyhow.
If no one is buying it now, what makes you think the value will go up? I assume you're joking because this game is terrible and it's clear to see why, if true, that demand has been so low. On another note, Electroplankton isn't that rare in the UK at least. I saw 3 copies of the game second hand in a local Gamestation the other day. The price tag was either £7.99 or £9.99. They also had a handleful of new copies for an extra £10.
As far as I was aware, Capcom had said if the first game sold well enough, they'd port more titles from the series. The thing is, Deadly Silence has been out for quite sometime and we've had no hint of a second game.
I honestly think the DS has come into it's own at the minute. It's got the best library of games of all the latest consoles at the mintue, and list is forever going.
I wouldn't write off a sequel to New Super Mario Bros, purely because it was so popular to older gamers, and unlike other Mario games, doesn't dedicate each game in the series to a single console. But beyond that speculation i'm unsure of any new Mario games on the horizon.
Dual Strike is also the cheaper option. You'll get a better feel for the game, and if you don't like it it wont hurt you pocket too much. If you do like it, then you'll know the other game will offer the greater challenge for you afterwards.
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