Raiko101's forum posts
[QUOTE="Raiko101"]Are you guys talking about the American video listings? I've not heard of anything you've mentioned.Superlink517What kind of videos do you get where you are? We're getting some rubbish magic tricks, a 3D animation with a repltile, and until recently two OK Go music videos. One of them has since become a Glee 3D trailer. That's really about it... :/
[QUOTE="glimpus"]...Aren't there NES games on there? Currently for Ambassadors only. Though they have been confirmed for public release in the near future.It's all been Gameboy games from what I can tell, and some of them are good ones, here's the thing.
They could release, NES, SNES, GBA, and could probably also emulate N64 games with it. How many more of these systems games do you expect to see on there in the coming, months, years?
I'm hoping for some SNES titles. My favourite system of all time, she be.
Until we see a game that only uses the second slider peripheral, i'm not entirely convinced we're getting a redesign. Only 6 games support it so far, all of which offer the second slide pad as an optional control method. Not only that, but only a few particular genre of games would even require the second slider, for either camera movement or aiming. There are so many more games in development right now that wouldn't require the 2nd slider at all and I suspect they'll end up making the vast majority of 3DS games.
What this peripheral will do though, is encourage gamers who dislike alternative or new control methods to jump on board. It will be interesting to see which control method works best for FPS games, because aiming with the touch screen on Metroid Prime: Hunters was very fast and very slick.
[QUOTE="Raiko101"]The slidepad is growing on me. Even with the AAA battery requirement. It does look quite comfortable.DarkGamer007
My only complaint is it doesn't look as asthetically pleasing as it could or should :(
No, it doesn't. But if it feels ok, it'll be worth it!
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