Raiko101's forum posts
Really? Do you have proof of a GC dropping 3 stories & can still work fine? This has to be the biggest balony I've ever heard!I wouldn't be suprised actually. My older brother threw a Mega Drive out of a 2nd floor window in anger when I was really young. Being an old system those things are quite fragile. Anyways, he ran downstairs picked it back up and bought it back in. When he plugged it back in, it worked straight away.[QUOTE="iowastate"]
the Gamecube was the most durable - could drop it from a three story building and it would still play....but it had the smallest library.
A few great series though - Mario Brothers - Zelda - Metroid.
xbox and PS2 were both great with huge libraries of fantastic games
while PS2 still has new games being developed...I bought one last week.
you are have to buy used for your xbox now....not that there are not plenty of games available.
there is still a lot of life left in all these consoles.
I could only wish the PS3 were bc to PS2 as well as PS1.
but the PS2 I have is 6 years old and shows no signs of strain yet.
In my opinion, the last generation of consoles was the worst i've lived through. I'm not saying it was bad at all, but just disapointing. Even though these consoles bought online gaming to the masses and spawned some trully classic games, I think i'll remember it most for containing the largest collection of unoriginal games yet. Many games felt so similar to others and some practically were the same.
I remember playing God of War and thinking, this just feels like Prince of Persia, but with a slightly bigger emphasis on fighting. That pretty much sums up the majority of games from the generation for me. A game is released. That game is copied, but the emphasis is changed slightly. Then that game is released. And so on. Examples include Spinter Cell & MGS, Star Wars Battlefront & Socom, True Crime & GTA, Black & Killzone, Jack & Daxter and Ratchet & Clank, and Prince of Persia & Tomb Raider as well as Prince of Persia & God of War.
I guess the biggest irony is that I actually enjoyed nearly all of these games...
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