@dexda: is it that bad? i was actually quite excited to see it on the list. i'm a big dark souls fan, but this game never looked quite good enough to buy, but i was expecting it to be quite enjoyable for 20€ or for free. but you're basically saying you shouldn't download it for free? do you have more specific criticism? Apart from bugs does it have fun gameplay?
must have read it wrong. lords of the fallen AND journey??? nah, sorry, i don't believe it. this stands in absolutely no relation to previous ps+ games. if it in fact is true though that would be great.
oh my that is good news on the ranked tdm. last season was horribly hard and i had situations where 2 consecutive losses made me lose so many points i had to win 15-20 matches to make up for it, which is insane. This happens when you rank down on a high rank, like diamond 2. That was the reason i completely stopped playing uncharted (ranked down from diamond 2 to 3 four freaking times). All the changes to ranked seem good, except it's still missing two very important things: 1. the just described rank down. not making it through a qualifier never really mattered, because it only sets you back 1 match before you can try again, but the rank down penalty (losing at 0 pts) is massive, you lose about half your rank points which is absolutely crazy. 2. make it able for players to join ongoing matches in ranked tdm to fill up teams. it can always happen that a player disconnects for a thousand reasons and god did it happen to my team a lot. since u4 is incredibly team-based (which is new to uncharted, previous games were all skill-based) it very rarely happens that you can win a 4v5 match. just like in Factions, you could give those players a "late-join-bonus".
also i really hope coop will kick ass!! u3 coop was so much fun and so challenging on crushing!
That's a good policy! (..and will be remembered if MEmastered ever is released). Of course gamers want remasters of their favourite games. Even though i'm technically against remasters, because i'm for devs putting their money and time into new IPs i couldn't refuse a remaster of re5 and i'm likely to maybe buy bioshock too even though i don't really want to. I'd rather have a new awesome game. But that's exactly the problem of this console generation. There's not enough interesting titles and the best games of this generation are remasters. Well it was that way anyway. This year has gotten a lot better i have to admit, but the current consoles had a very slow start in the last 2 years.
"Sales are down significantly", like unusually low for a game that was released 14 months ago or what do they mean?
Witcher 3 was a great and long journey, i'll be sure to replay it someday, maybe on ng+. i heard you now have inventory boxes and all that convenient stuff you didn't have when i played it, which is great, because inventory management was one thing to worry about in that game. Haven't played the DLCs though i doubt i will buy them since the game is already humongous.
@Draconas_Lyrr: "great" is a little overrated for that movie. it was silly fun, though there was no real story to speak of except the classic "evil entity - let's kill it"-plot. it was more of a presentation of individual characters, which was cool, but no one really did anything meaningful except presenting their character. but it worked, i found it to be a lot of fun to watch.
@TheGreatGhoul: yeah i love the mad bros. it's the only covenant i do random invasions in, because it's so cool that your goal is not necessarily to kill the host, but between 1-3 phantoms to get your reward. i had fun times in the cruzifixion woods killing phantoms, blues, watchdogs and other invaders (or sometimes team up with them). when the host is alone i mostly gesture him to summon others i can fight, unless he's willing to pvp himself.
enemies only react to you when you put a white sign though i think, i never tried that with the mad bros, because who wants to summon a mad bro to help you with the fear he might turn on you any second? other than that my favourite covenant. also the trolliest i admit ;) i'm pretty disappointed with the warmth spell though (tier 2 reward), 25 faith is already quite something, but 2 slots (?!) make it pretty much unusable, which is a shame. for 1 slot i'd definitely use it on my spell builds, whenever i have a free slot, but who has 2 free slots for a spell like that?
btw what platform are you playing on, maybe we can do a session sometime? i'm on ps4.
i can't watch the video so i can't see it, but seriously the light bar on the DS4 is the only thing that annoys me, so now they're making one with two? i would pay 5€ extra to get a DS4 without the light bar (playstation acces has such DS4s in their videos), although quality-wise it should be the same.
@faustsketcher: thx, that did actually make it clearer to me. i didn't expect any of this, though i remember that they talked about different npc races interacting with each other (trading, combat). it's kinda impossible to build an immersive world without that.
@Itzsfo0: i think it's pure nostalgia. i don't like those graphics either and there's plenty of awesome indiegames out there that manage to deliver a gameplay-focused experience without this eye-cancer (child of light, transistor, don't starve). everyone that loves it should play it though, why not.
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