RaveNRolla's comments

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@JediMasterJ42: Bloodborne was as awesome as it was gorgeous. the gameplay was faster which made it more difficult in some sections. bosses were faster than standard souls bosses, but you were also faster. healing was super fast in bloodborne but an astounding amount of bosses had 1-shot attacks (far more than in any Souls game, a feature i definitely do not miss in ds3). so there was a different kind of balance, compared to other Souls games, but balance was still there. amygdala in the cursed basic dungeon was no fun, even less if you encountered her in a depth 5 cursed dungeon, but as a boss in the main game she was pretty chill.

The DLC was nice. Laurenz was the toughest boss in the whole game for me. Those sharkmen were insane as well.

The dungeons i both loved and hated. but cursed gems were/are the shit, so at a certain point you only do cursed dungeons. most annyoing i found the summoners, especially the bell ladies that summoned spiders (often 2 in 1 room, which by definition is insane, makes you run circles through the room with an army of spiders behind you getting a hit on the bell ladies every once in a while, while they just keep summoning until you eventually either kill the ladies or get jump attacked by 3 spiders simultaneously).

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Edited By RaveNRolla

@KILLEDbCRITICAL: oh yeah i misread that, sorry. though my assumption is that you only find ds3 easy, because you played all the other games, same as i. i remember the 1st days of ds3 i was thinking i'm barely dying, but yeah now we feel a lot more confident with the gameplay after playing all those other games. If this was the 1st of the series i imagine we both would find it quite hard.

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@TheGreatGhoul: it is pointless to have both the blue sentinels and the darkmoon blades i agree. weird design, i guess that wanted to show that the blue sentinels evolved from the darkmoon blades, but a reference to the darkmoon blades on the sentinels covenant item would have sufficed (or vice versa). my point was that it is relatively easy to get the spell if you invest some time into it. on the character i really wanted it on i had it after 25 hours of playing. still a lot i know, but it's not like i was standing around, i did go through the levels, collected stuff, beat bosses, helped players, farmed a bit here and there, all while keeping my SL low and my weapons at +3. when i got to anor londo i needed about 5 more proofs so i farmed them. i really like the spell and use it a lot, mostly cause i think it looks amazing :) but as i said lightning blade is exactly the same buff damage-wise.

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@KILLEDbCRITICAL: bloodborne the easiest? you must have not made your way through the dungeons. a cursed rotted fetid depth 5 dungeon is harder than anything in any souls game. if you are simply referring to the main story then i would agree, but bloodborne was meant to be more accesible while at the same time it had interesting new mechanics for hardcore fans. because of the low number of possible builds it could never reach the same replayability like other dark souls games.

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@simplytheebest: it should also be noted that not proceeding to ng+ will make a Slab available at the handmaid, although i think it unlocks for discovering kiln of the 1st flame, because one time i bought it before beating the last boss.

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@RSM-HQ: the fact that a lot of DS fans are also overlooking is that it is the 5th souls game and people are getting used to it and thus getting better at it and there is also that thing i would call "dark souls fatigue". the gameplay is still phenomenal, always was, but of course you're getting bored of it at some point. i still love it and would call it my 2nd favourite game series of all time but even then i still need to change to something different from time to time.

very low-budget tip if anyone who loves dark souls needs something new: don't starve. beware though: incredibly addictive. just bought it last weekend and the weekend was just gone, it just disappeared, no trace of it.

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@TheGreatGhoul: what's wrong with the darkmoon covenant? if you want the darkmoon blade spell you need to keep low level obviously and don't upgrade your weapons over +3, because that's when you find people having the way of blue equipped. only a few people at high levels have that covenant equipped, so getting summoned barely happens at higher levels. if you know what to do it's not that hard to get, i have the spell on all of my 4 characters. if you know the game a little it is also not that hard to get to at least lothric castle with a +3 weapon at sl 35, even solo with the help of some AI summons.

alternatively you can farm the silver knights, but they have a very low drop rate for proofs.

lastly i don't know if you wanna actually use the spell or just wanna get the trophy, but lightning blade does the exact same damage as darkmoon blade and is found on a corpse.

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@Renunciation: haha nice, i made pretty much the same comment. there is some astounding journalism going on here for sure.

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"A previous Dark Souls 3 DLC leak suggested the expansion would contain maps, bosses, enemies, and additional weapon and armor sets."

*whatsapp wondering smiley* that's a fair assumption. it's highly likely it won't just be a blank space, but you know, we'll see.

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@sonypony4eva: caestus are crazy powerful if you know how to use them and have a true combo that can deal over 1000 dmg (L1, R2, L1, L1 i believe), they just don't have much range. claws are also pretty sweet. i haven't used scythes in ds3 yet, as i prefer fast weapons in ds3. i agree on the dark sword being lame, although it's cool that there are tools in ds3 that even unskilled players can be succesful with. plus for skilled players it is very easy to parry.

i'm a big fan of the dual-wield weapons in ds3 like gotthards twinblades or onikiri & ubadachi, but i was very sad to see that they didn't carry over the brilliant dual-wield mechanic from ds2, in which you could pair any 2 weapons and dual wield them. Wouldn't work with the weapon arts i guess. although wouldn't it?