RaveNRolla's comments

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Edited By RaveNRolla

maybe it'll finally add the most important feature the ps4 is still lacking: the ability to set screenshots as a menu-wallpaper. you can make all these beautiful screenshots of awesome or beautiful moments in games, yet there's no use for them.

also finally being able to sort the trophies alphabetically would also be sweet.

these are both features that the ps3 always had (ps3 can't make screenshots, but you can set any picture as background).

please no more useless social media stuff, there's enough already and please no more applications that are useless but can't be deleted (you can make them useless, but then also make them deletable) like spotify (useless if you don't use it) or the playroom (taking up memory space since day 1).

Edit: Oh yeah, and the ability to completely turn off the controller light would be nice.

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I don't like Pokemon myself, but i think it's pretty cool that there are those bound to certain continents.

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Some gamer will find the core of the universe within a day. I'm sure of it.

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Edited By RaveNRolla

i only watched the 1st. while the world itself was cool, the movie was just way too.. i don't know... cute (?), lovely (?), nice (?). It wasn't serious enough for me and way too clean and nice for the setting they were trying to sell. When they 1st introduced those supposed badasses (1 of the factions, forgot the name) and they came riding in on that train cheering like in a musical, i could't help but laugh my ass off. no action in the movie had any dire consequences, which was unbelievable for a government-controlled utopia/dystopia in the style of 1984.

while i personally don't think the hunger games are that great either, what was great in the hunger games was the sense that as soon as it gets serious it actually gets pretty serious.

i think hunger games attracted teenagers, but could also be watched by adults, while the divergent was solely focused on a teenage audience.

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oh my... an extra difficulty AND coop missions? this sounds awesome! plus it's a month ahead of dishonored if i'm correct, so plenty of time to play. this might just be the best year on ps4 for me.

i guess not all players see it that way, but the xbox-exclusivity was really quite advantageous from my point of view. we get the game and everything they released inbetween PLUS some cool new stuff without the need of buying a season pass. So this is basically a 90's game :) buy once, get everything. you save the 20-30€ for the season pass, plus maybe another 10-20€ depending on the selling price (wether they sell it for 40€ because it's a year old or sell it for 60€ because of all the features).

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13 episodes sounds good to wrap it up. after the last season the endgame is definitely on! i just wish they were just making one last season of 13 episodes instead of splitting it up. Do we then have to wait a year for the last 5-ish episodes? "the next year" in the article means 2018 right? as in "the next year after 2017"?

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@Richardthe3rd: Man, it's two months, i hardly doubt the economy will fall because of him not working for 2 months. The other point, and the point you don't quite seem to get is that it makes him happy. Forgive me for assuming, but i assume you were raised by the standards of your parents which are/were hard workers and told you nothing in life is free and if you need a good life you'll have to work for it (i'm sorry if i'm assuming wrong). That's cool, i was raised the same, but it doesn't mean it is the only way to live. I like my job as well (40 hrs/week), but i can totally see myself taking a break in a few years, if only for a few months to maybe take some time to do something i always wanted to do, but never had the time for. It wouldn't be playing a videogame, but i can't decide what makes this guy happy. Try to be more open-minded and realize that your point of view isn't everyone's point of view. Cheers!

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@igorphoenix: well that's for him to answer. If he feels hollow after 2 months or thinks he wasted them or if he's much happier afterwards, who can tell? This discussion is more about if you can really pull it to take off time from work to persue something meaningful for yourself, like a trip to another country, or in this case buying 20 powerbanks and take a trip in your own country ;) I think it depends on how good you are at saving money and wether you have the mindset to not earn money for a certain amount of time. I know the latter would make a lot of people way to nervous to ever try it.

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2 months isn't even that long for a break from work. i have two friends who went to Kirgistan for a whole year and another who went to India for 8 months, just traveling. If you saved up the money and you're not worried about finding a new job afterwards i don't see the harm in it. The experience of living in another country may well be worth it. Or you know, Pokemon Go... whatever makes you happy.