@TheZeroPercent: it's true, since the release of ps4 and x1 games have become more beautiful than ever, but gameplay-wise not much has changed. the most innovative games are often indie-games, who normally aren't that long or big and can't make use of all the hardware, because they don't have the budget for it. And i feel this.. let's call it "numbness" towards the same old same old as well. The witcher 3, dark souls 3, uncharted 4... they're all great games that look truly terrific, but gameplay-wise they all use the same mechanics games used 10 years ago.
so anyone who is going to buy this: you build a vault and then what? is there any point in doing this after you finished the game or is it meant for people who are still in the story? i don't see the point of this dlc.
@barleybosh: i know it's sad and i feel the same. it's all about making the game more accesible to players at the cost of immersion. it started with the 1st dark souls patch that gave you homeward bones after each boss. it was the beginning of the end. still the gameplay tops all other games in my opinion.
Demon's Souls was great but it doesn't need a remaster. It would maybe make sense for anyone who hadn't played it, but those players and those that would buy it for nostalgic reasons would soon realize, that dark souls was a huge improvement over demon's souls in terms of gameplay. i still remember when i first played dark souls and thought "oh my god, it's demon's souls but better!". So i'm kinda thinking hardcore DS players would be kinda disappointed by that game. Not bashing the game here, it was brilliant, but the dark souls series definitely improved on that.
As to Dark Souls ending as a series, i'm fine with that. It's my favourite game series, but i start feeling the numbness towards it sometimes. i think i played it too much. Dark Souls 3 is a good game and a worthy finisher, the only thing really bothering me is the level design. The levels by themselves are great, but the linearity of it all is kinda disappointing and it's getting stale. i loved how in previous games the game would open up after the 1st 2 or 3 bosses and you would have more and more different directions to take. Even in ds2, if you didn't feel like the Gutter today you could keep it for later and start with the long road to the iron keep. In ds3 your path is set, with a few optional areas inbetween, which makes it sometimes feel like a chore.
@troll_elite: hmm, but VR is a stupidly expensive peripheral that doesn't do anything by itself, so i'm not sure a lot of players will actually buy one this or next year, at least until it reaches a more consumer-friendly price. and if you don't, then what's the point of the updated consoles? you say 4k TV, ok, but then again the console gamers that really care about having the best of the best graphical translation are very few i imagine. most people that care about that stuff are pc-gamers. or am i wrong? i for my part am very satisfied with my ps4 and tv (full-hd), and i don't see the need for a graphic upgrade (i mean sweet jesus, just look at all the gorgeousness that's being released this and the last year), but maybe i'm one of those guys that wouldn't even notice the difference.
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