@meedokicky: this stuff bothers actually bothers me. make two supporting characters and no one is lara. knowing that your coop partner is actually playing a different character than you see him play is weird. but just as weird is having 4 chris redfields in dying light coop (don't remember the name of the character, but it was the same voice as Chris).
of course this is what we call in germany "Jammern auf hohem Niveau" (=complaining about stuff that isn't really a problem and negligible at best).
i'd rather pay 40€ without the definitive edition. no real point in getting a game i played just 2 years ago.
if they actually really ask 60€ then what was the point of the timed exclusiveness? i thought microsoft paid for being able to get the most money out of that game, now if sony gets the right a year later and sells it for the same price, that just can't be, can it? even with all those (hopefully not too half-arsed) extras.
@meedokicky: i saw it on playstation acces. you are always lara in your own game and your coop partner looks like someone else (although he is lara from his perspective).
@Ninjalawpsn: some weapons get better through infusions and some don't. i like sharp, heavy and refined infusions for melee builds, since they still allow weapons to be buffed with resins and spells. but for example the onikiri & ubadachi does less damage with a sharp infusion at 40 dex, which is weird, whereas the gotthard twinblades actually do more damage sharp at 40 dex. Depending on your weapon i'd try sharp (assassin sounds like dex-build) and see what it does.
a little late maybe, but i bought this last saturday and i can't stop playing. it's so addictive. after 3 or 4 tries, which all ended around day 20 and really for all kinds of reasons - darkness, freezing, getting beaten to death (because i never thought it'd be a good idea to make a log suit, because backpacks take the same slot, turns out log suits are amazing) and actual starvation (picking too much too early and have it rot in my inventory). you learn stuff everytime: which enemies you can stunlock, how to shave wool of beefalos to make fashionable warm clothes, the effect of the different mushrooms and that digging up a sinkhole next to your main base is a bad idea.
I now made it to day 28 in the midst of winter (let's hope it ain't longer than the summer) and i think i have to complete a certain ritual at a certain place filled with unique enemies, which i haven't yet dared to engage. I made a homing device that led me to different items, but the game lets me all figure it out by myself, which is amazing. I also still have no idea what 50% of the items do. I made a night light only to find out that it drains my sanity while standing next to it and a lot of required resources i have never found, like that white thing you need for a walking cane.
noice, looks like a game for me. will it have the same sort of HUD as dead space in the sense that it is all integrated in the character, rather than having a lifebar and manabar and all that usual stuff? The gun looks like it. Then again if it's 1st person it's probably not possible.
We could all do with a bit more Dragon, ey? Since there's only one in the core game, which can be killed by magic within 10 secs (and yes i'm talking about the King of Storms, the Ancient 1-shot was pretty boring and Oceiros i don't really see as a Dragon).
I would love some good ol' gank boss like ornstein & smough, or the gank squad from the Shulva-DLC, those were fun fights. Also cool would be a boss that uses illusions against the player, like the Idol in Demon's Souls.
Weaponwise i'd love some weapons that have a good dex scaling, are not katanas, but DO have a kick. No kick is the reason i don't use curved swords. While i generally do love curved swords, i just really need to kick stuff.
Lastly wether those things will be included or not i'm sure it will be a grand DLC as those that came before.
@Ninjalawpsn: i still need to get that one gesture from heysel, but everytime i end up rather helping Sirris :) Can't help it. i recently did all the pointless infusions though which i could never be bothered with (bleed, poison, raw, blessed), so the gesture is the last trophy i need. but it's still gonna take some time before i'm ready for it ;)
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