But what about the money...? Are they seriously trying to make a good game instead of making more money? Those developers should really read their Ubisoft-contracts more closely...
@elheber: I think it's pretty much since Kevin van Oord left all games get good reviews. Maybe it's a coincidence and all those games are in fact good?
@Solid_Answers12: Totally deserving yes. Better game? That's a matter of opinion i'd say. For me personally Bloodborne is the better game, because the gameplay appeals more to me. I'm sure the Witcher sold more units than bloodborne though (on ps4).
I think this will be pretty obvious. The Witcher is gonna win, because it attracts a wider audience than Bloodborne does. Bloodborne is not for everyone. The Witcher is more accesible for casual players. I love both games though.
@GunEye: We had a pretty long conversation last week about Souls PVP attitude.
I had the same experience you had in the dungeons. My biggest WTF-moment was seeing that naked giant dude with the mace, that basically rolls the whole time and the drops on you and kills you with his buttcheeks. He guards levers from time to time. The design is so grotesque.
Bloodborne definitely feels fresh, though i found it less rewarding to go through multiple ng cycles, simply because when you picked up everything on ng (e.g. all badges and runes) all you get is madman's knowledge everywhere. In previous Souls games i really like that Bosses dropped their Souls for example. Even though i would use a certain soul only once to make a weapon or maybe never it was still cool to have that boss' soul in my inventory 5x on ng+4. In Bloodborne there is no rewards for beating a boss on ng+ except for the thrill of beating him, which i found a little bit disappointing to be honest. For example in Ds2 i beat the Darklurker (optional boss) every time, it never even got into my head to skip him even though i had his soul 4x already. Every boss had to be beaten before i could go to a new ng cycle. On Bloodborne on the other hand there's no real point in beating Paarl for example when you already have the spark hunter badge. I can't exactly explain why, but this seriously lowered the replayability of Bloodborne for me. I feel like i burn out on Bloodborne much faster than other Souls games. So after spending pretty much all summer with the Witcher, i came back to Bloodborne about 2-3 months ago and it's still a blast to play. Only i find exploration not to be rewarding anymore, sadly. So i mostly use my small chime to help.
The DLC is pretty sweet. Looks gorgeous as usual and has some very tough bosses, especially the 1st and the optional 2nd boss are insane (I still haven't beaten the optional boss solo). Without spoiling to much specific details it has 3 new areas, 1 of which is a rehashing of Yharnam, but in a cool way, 1 that will make you feel very nostalgic if you loved Dark Souls (1) and 1 that i really adore because it just gives me a resident-evil-kinda-creepy vibe. There's a lot of new weapons, i think 11 RHW, 5 or 6 LHW and 2 Tools, which, considering the weapon content of Bloodborne pre-dlc is like 75% more than what you had. As i mentioned before somewhere i find the DLC slightly overpriced with 20€, i think 15 would be fitting, but it's high quality content and you will not be disappointed.
It looks great so far. The only thing that is not very fitting for Uncharted MP is that Down-mechanic. It fit perfectly for Factions, but not in this game. Uncharted MP is fast paced so i think this is just annoying. You already see people in the beta letting enemy players bleed out. I'd rather be dead instantly and respawn 5 seconds later than getting healed by my teammates 1 out of 10 times, while the other 9 times i'll be contemplating wether i should continue playing this game anymore.
I understand they wanna bring more variation into the gameplay and do something new compared to U2 and U3, but in my opinion this is not fitting well into an Uncharted MP and only encourages rage-quitting. I hope more players agree or that there will a "classic deathmatch" mode without downing.
It may sound overdramatic, but i think this is one of those things that could make or break U4 MP.
I totally agree. Bloodborne is far far superior gameplay-wise, because Bloodborne is all about the gameplay. The witcher is all about the story and i enjoyed it very much after playing Bloodborne, having all those dialogues and diving into the story. Those 2 games just complimented each other very well this year. Combat was ok in the witcher, but nothing too fancy, basically activate quen, waltz towards, hit, waltz away. Combat in Bloodborne is more like "YES! YEEEEES!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS!!! i beat you, i f-ing beat you, TAKE THAT!" ;) just so rewarding. Bloodborne doesn't have a variety of healing items, a crafting system, skills/perks or any fancy npcs that offer countless sidequests.... when it comes down to it it's a simple game: There's just a lot of stuff to kill (that really doesn't want to die). And it's still the better game in my experience. I'm thankful for the witcher too though, because of the nice contrast to Bloodborne, having a well crafted story AND bright and beautiful colours, 2 things i really craved after playing Bloodborne.
RaveNRolla's comments