@Ryan_Som @Salt_AU: I actually just started fallout too. I switched to hard pretty much right from the start (when i noticed the game didn't give me the option to choose a diffculty at the start) and it feels right. I die regularly but seldom to the point where it becomes annoying (depending of course wether i was traveling the wastelands for 30 minutes without saving). Just yesterday i got a quest where i had to clear out a forge with special fire-fanatic raiders called 'forged'. I'm level 18 atm. I noticed right from the start they all had a skull next to their lifebar, which i think indicates that they are above my level (much like in the witcher) and engaging in close to medium range combat quickly ended in me getting swarmed and killed by flamethrowers (even though Nick Valentine decided to put on a power armor he found in an abonded bus on the way, which i just found hilarious btw). So i picked them off 1 by 1 from afar with my recon sniper rifle until i cleared the outside and a big part of the roof and went inside. I followed the same trend and tried to use my sniper as much as possible while Nick went mad with his new flamethrower. The final boss was pretty forgiving and his laser gun did very little damage compared to the flamethrowers before.
So yeah, long story short i think 'hard' is a good difficulty for your 1st playthrough. There aren't many regular humanoids that survive a shotgun to the head but you still find this challenging scenarios from time to time where you really have to be strategic and careful. I gotta admit that i ran away once too, because there was this crazy robot waiting for me after plundering some kinda armory and i just did miserable damage to him, while he killed me in 2 quick shots.
After i finish the game I'm gonna restart as a female and on the highest difficulty. Was it very hard or something even higher than that? I haven't run out of ammo either and i only use specific guns. I have yet to shoot a 44, 45 or 38 round, plasma cartridge, mini nuke and ammo keeps on piling up, especially those 38's.
@aroxx_ab: I think in a Souls game difficulty depends on your soul level. If you stay in the online meta between 80 and 120 (except in ds2 where soul memory destroyed the meta) the game is challenging but manageable. If you level up higher, say around 180-200 the game of course becomes less challenging, because you'll have more health and can use different options to full effect (like sorcery AND big weapons). There are people who level up to 500 or 700 too, but obviously the game becomes pretty boring then, plus you'll hardly find anyone to coop/invade (except in ds2, thx again soul memory, for all those all-casters that invaded me!). On the other side if you already know the game a bit it's definitely a fun experience to play through the game on a relatively low level, like 50. E.g. i beat all the basic dungeons in Bloodborne on level 50. It was really tough but also a lot of fun and it definitely felt rewarding to beat some of the hardest bosses, like the loran darkbeast like this.
I love challenging games, but it's very important that the gameplay appeals to me. If it's a hard game but i don't like the game i couldn't care less. That's were "challenging" becomes "tedious". but resident evil 5 professional, dead space hardcore or evil within akumu? Yeah, give me more of that. Also a big fan of all souls games from the beginning.
@darkelf83: agreed. 3 of the games in the list don't count. seems like gta is gonna win anyway.
while on this matter: i'm really excited for the re2 remake. I heard it's gonna be build from the ground up, so we can expect it to look really sweet, plus i imagine it has new features like the re-remake.
I only have the old hunters from the list and it's amazing but arguably simply more of the same, which is never a bad thing in souls games. It gave us about 75% more weapons which is amazing.
That being said, i'm totally fine with witcher winning this. Even though i found it totally pointless to prolong the witcher's already incredibly long story with a dlc i'm sure if it has the same quality as the main game it deserves to win. Also because being around the same price as the old hunters (if i remember correctly) i'm sure it offers more content. I found the old hunters slightly overpriced with 20€. I cannot relate to any of the other games/dlcs.
Daredevil was amazing up until that point where he put on his suit. It's just those tiny stupid embarassing horns that are an absolute no-go for me. a sad, sad thing indeed, because the series was brilliant, especially all the effort the put in the fighting choreography. I understand this is what the original comic character looks like, but c'mon it's 2015. Even Wolverine says in 1 of the x-men movies, that he would never wear spandex.
On another note: Isn't Narcos a Netflix series too? That one was brilliant too.
Are the heroes not dropped randomly on the map? Doesn't the fact that boba hast the most playtime simply mean he dropped the most? It was this way in the beta at least.
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