@GunEye: man i would love to, but i am on the ps3/4 :(
and oh god do i know front lagstabs, worst thing ever. I have always wondered how it could be that a slow connection actually works in your favor rather than making things more difficult for you. that is so weird.
Also i have to defend gankers a little bit, even though i don't do it myself. But the fact is some players just want to have some fun playing coop and don't bother with pvp at all (like you described yourself). Yet Souls doesn't give you the opportunity to play coop without the chance of invasion. Again, this is totally fine by me because i love the thrill that invasions add to the game, but i can understand and sometimes even approve that some players do that. They don't intend to be mean (at least not all of them) they just want to get rid of the annoyance as fast as possible and continue their pve-experience.
@kazeswen: definitely. most important thing that gets players killed: only heal when the boss is not on you (watch who he is after and only heal when he is actively pursuing some1 else). He's not to hard to run away from. If you do him solo.... well.... man up i guess ;)
Lud and Zallen are tough especially solo. It just happens so often that 1 of them is out of view and that is really scary. In the SOTFS version you have 3 NPC phantoms to help and even on higher ng cycles they are all likely to survive the boss fight in my experience.
@gameroutlawzz: the defiled chalice with watchdog and amygdala is depth 4. try depth 5 root dungeons with all 3 rites, that's what's up :) but even that you get used to. I've beaten all dungeons on level 50 (beaten them before and knew what was coming) and i admit that the defiled 1 was a pain with 25 VIT, but it's a questions of getting used to it. Root dungeons can be insane, like hemwick witches all over the areas summoning 3 demons (or 4?) and sometimes there are 2 witches in the same room (!!!). Now THAT is hard :)
I made a dungeon of my own. glyph: hgkenhpq. It's a lower loran with all rites. The layers are all tough with the aforementioned witches, but the bosses are pretty easy (depending on how often you faced them). 1st layer watchdog, 2nd layer crawling silverbeast (ye pretty weird, but it can still kill you in 2 quick hits), 3rd layer amygdala (ok that one is tough). It does have a bloodrock, which you can only obtain if you haven't gotten any out of a loran coffin, uncanny blade of mercy and i think uncanny burial blade. It also has very sweet farming spots for waning fire and bolt gems. best i got: fire atk 21%, add fire 31,5, increase stamina 2,9 (rating 18) from a buffed madman next to the layer 1 lamp.
@gameroutlawzz: I'm talking about normal enemies and cliffs. But i still actually do lock on to most bosses i think, except if they are gigantic. I don't lock on during pvp though most of the time.
@GunEye: Well if you put it like that i guess you have a point. Me and my friends don't gank. We always do 1 on 1, no healing. But there's just too much invaders doing stupid shit, like waiting between enemies (which they can do all night long, i don't care, i roll a cig and wait in a good duel spot, eventually they always come running or return to their world) or trying to snipe you while you are fighting some tough enemies.
I think the main reason people gank on invaders is that they are scared of some1 who is confident enough to invade another's world.
I'm actually really excited for ds3 pvp, because let's face it bloodborne's pvp suuuucks (even though it has beautiful pve). I bought the SOTFS edition of ds2 a few months back, but it doesn't feel like pvp is alive anymore.
Oh wow, another big expansion? I loved playing the witcher all summer and finally finishing it with 200+ hours. But seriously, more content? I'm all satisfied with the main game, which was amazing. I would never think of expanding this already gigantic game. Does this or that hearts dlc really feel fresh, new and exciting compared to the main game or is it basically more of the same?
@Salt_AU: I think CDPR are great developers, but it's still 2015 mate. Especially a game as big as the Witcher 3 will always have default settings to please the masses (who want their hands held and use their brain as little as possible) like those exclamation marks, because, well, it has to sell big time. Personally it drove me crazy that they litter the whole map with those right from the start, so i turned them off too. Mainly because i tend to do everything and seeing that there are still 74346296 exclamation marks left on the map after you go on a run to complete around 746 just really drives me crazy. I rather explore on my own and at my own pace. I also very much hate waymarkers that guide you to your objective, like in fallout 4. It's like the game's saying to me "c'mon man get there already, so you can do your next mission" and, even worse: "i know you are too stupid to find it on your own, so this is where you have to go. yes, yes, 40 more meters, you almost made it, just 5 more meters, there you go, champ" And i despise games where you are not given the option to turn them off (thankfully fallout 4 does have that option). you should try demon's souls, dark souls and bloodborne. Amazing games, where you have to find out everything by yourself, except for basic fighting which is introduced by ignorable messages on the ground.
@GunEye: I don't wanna offend, it seems like you are pretty skilled. But hiding between enemies? Hmm... i guess it was temporary right? Cause this is about the lamest thing any1 can do.
@solid_snake1461: More specifically: Locked on movement that makes you fall off :( So many time i died because i was locked on to an enemy and i fell off because of weird angles.
RaveNRolla's comments