@sky-619: ok thx for your response. sounds cool. Big Boss just totally sounded like a villain to me :) which confused me. I was talking to a friend online about it and he just said that one has to play the whole series to understand it.
That's what i'm thinking. Good stuff! I don't own and never have owned an xbox, but it's obviously on par with the playstation otherwise they wouldn't be competing. The fact that they are competing is also very important in terms of pushing forward the gaming industry and developments and we as customers only benefit from it, apart from me not being able to play Alan Wake of course ;)
First of all: AA-batteries for the ps4 controller, ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? Ever heard of the words environment and pollution? I'm sure everyone who manages to buy a ps4 and games for it can afford (or save up for) another controller so you can swap them if one needs to be recharged. i got 2 (bought a 2nd with the ps4 and didn't even think about it, i knew i HAD to do it), 1 of which i'm playing while the other is always connected to the usb-port to charge (it stops charging when it's full). So when i get the notification that the controller is about to die i have to pause my gaming experience for a full 5 seconds (shocking i know) before i continue to play. I am actually expecting that everyone who owns a ps4 does it that way.
The controllers do die rather quickly, that's true. But as sees above that's no problem at all. It's not like it's every 2 or 3 hours. It happens no more than once during a full-fledged gaming night.
I would love to be able to turn the light off though cause it's still highly visible when set on dim and it's gotten me killed in Factions a few times already ("whoa, what's that on my hands...oh...oh shit i'm dead").
Folders for the menu and/or an option to make it static would be nice. There's way too much social crap on there that i don't need. I love playstation live which is excellent to check out a game you consider buying, and the party system and share play are really cool too. But communities and all that other sharing and posting and now those stupid videos that are under 'recent activities' under each game, that show you gameplay wether you want it or not (AND uses your working space AND isn't muted by default which it should be). Who needs that?
About games i'm really disappointed in developers making all those remasters or remakes. Where's the creativity?? No, i don't wanna play gow, i played it on ps3. No i don't wanna play uncharted 1-3, i did that on ps3. No i don't wanna play the last of us, i did that on ps3 (ok i did buy it again, but only because there's no suitable MP for me on ps4 and it was 30€). Where are the new exciting games? This year i had bloodborne and the witcher 3 and that's about it. They were both great games and complimenting each other greatly, 1 having the superior gameplay and the other the superior storytelling). But other than that there's nothing that interests me. I love bioshock, dead space, resident evil, uncharted, demon's souls and i don't need a new entry just a game that is "like that" with it's own name would be nice. Funnily enough the next 2 things i look out for are uncharted 4 and dark souls 3, but i definitely wouldn't mind something fresh.
So, are you not playing as Snake in this one? It sounds like you are playing as a villain. I have not played any Metal Gear games ever, but i'm considering this one, simply cause i'm bored at the moment ;) And please don't advise me to play the old ones, because i won't (unless they're available on ps4), it'd be just inconvenient for me. I'm sure they're great though.
I like all kinds of third person games, my favourite being the souls series, uncharted, resident evil, evil within, last of us, devil may cry (yes i know they are all quite different from each other). I consider myself a reasonably skilled gamer, i like challenges and i've beaten all named games on their respective hardest difficulties (if that option is available). I'm NOT a big fan of open-world games like GTA or AC, because in my opinion they can't deliver the same quality and density linear games (with some healthy side-room/area exploring) can. I tried the witcher 3 and loved and finished it (blood and broken bones of course ;) ), but i won't be needing something open-world-oriented like that for a while now, because witcher 3 satisfied all my needs in this regard.
So would you recommend this game for me? I'm mainly asking 'cause it sounds like there's a discrapency between what this review says and what is said in the comments. THX!
Killing, being killed, taunting, being taunted (especially by enemy AI) and crafting is so hilarious and fun in this game. It's amazing for a free game. Movement and Shooting is well done too. The campaign is not so much a Story as it is a set of challenges (get 3 headshot kills, win with 75% hp and such), so you might as well just call it 'challenges' or 'coop-missions'. But i didn't expect a real campaign with a Story and cutscenes from a free to Play game of this Magnitude. I think it's cool that those missions are basically the same as the competitive mp, except that you fight against AI. But you still Play death snatch, Domination or any of the other modes, just not against human Players. The gamescreen actually says 'grunt/Grenadier/healbot/etc.. has joined the game' whenever they spawn as if they were real Players :) So far playing those coopmissions has been far more rewarding than playing competitive, because of the lack of loot in competitive. Plus i'm a big fan of coop. you can get 5000 spacebux total (the currency usually only obtained through real Money) as rewards for each chapter's final Mission and you regularly get spacebux Drops in coop missions (although it's more like 5 at a time). And you only realy Need that currency for clothing for your character, new taunts (1 is free) and bombs (which you Need to open the lockboxes picked up during a match). Weapon parts and everything else can be bought with the other currency 'blutes' of which you will get plenty. Also in Addition to the Review: you only Need bombs to open the lockboxes you pick up during a match. any lockboxes you get as a reward for completing a Mission can be opened without bombs.
Sadly there's 1 really bad Thing in this game and that is a Region lock. At the Moment i cannot Play with anyone outside europe which is kinda... well it sucks. I hope this will be changed in the future if possible. Otherwise i'd say download it and give it a try... it's free!
hmmm... why are they making interesting Video games so seldom? it's kinda sad. I'm seriously thinking about buying a ps4 now and the reason it took me so Long is that there are/were no interesting games out (in my opinion of course). The same reason i really can't buy the last of us remastered or dark souls II Scholar of the 1st sin, because they are pretty much the only games i played in the last 2 years. I've played last of us Story mode so often i can't get through grounded+, simply 'cause i'm bored. The same goes for DSII, with somewhat between 500 and 700 hrs playtime (i deleted some chars). It's sad. If there were more interesting games they wouldn't wear out as fast as they do. The dark souls II dlcs were a nice idea but too Little to Keep me interested. maybe they should've been released together as 1 world like AOTA. i pretty much stopped playing dsii 1 week after the last dlc and i think many Players did, because when i checked up on drangleic last week there was NO ONE invading me for about 3 hrs (!). The only Thing i'm playing right now is evil within (on ps3) and, well, uncharted 3 mp 'cause there's nothing else to do. i'm excited about bloodborne, but that's it. I'd rather be excited about 5 or 6 games coming out in 2015 but sadly there's nothing there. Are more People Feeling this way? Is it because i'm spoiled with good games? I don't know.
good stuff. the Level design is back to old strength in this one. This was one of my Major Problems with the main game, that the Level design was so boring. Here, go this way all the way to the end and there's a Boss for you. Oh no wait, on the way there are 2 more bonfires so you won't run out of estus and your weapons won't break. In the crown of the sunken king you'll inititally have Long ways and lots of enemies between bonfires, so you'll often run out of estus early (depending on how you handle that of course) and have to use other measures of healing. Thee bosses are all amazing too and loads of fun to fight. My characters are all ng++++ or higher so i can't say what the difficulty is on a new game, but i found it quite challenging. Your 2nd playthrough will be a lot easier, since you'll know how to reach the bonfires and can make use of shortcuts and such, but it's some nice leveldesign, i hope they Keep that coming with the other crowns...
RaveNRolla's comments