actually freezing time does not effect daud at all. u can surely pickpocket him but freezing time doesn't work against him. and i don't think his time freeze slows u down at all though it freezes his guards and daud says stuff like 'this is between u and me'. it's also funny to posess him, because he realises that u posess him and talks to u while u r in his body.
it's true bioshock 2's mp was kinda fun once u got the hang of it, but for me it was more like a little extra next to the sp (which was awesome in bioshock 2 but way too easy imo). so i won't miss it in infinite. i'm particularly excited about the 1999 mode which sounds quite challenging.
as to everyone referring to an open-world game.. i can't really imagine a bioshock game that isn't linear. and i'm pretty sure infinite is, only that the levels that are free to explore are larger than in previous games. but i'm always open to be proven wrong ;)
oh ye, i kinda lost my way there ;) good dlcs: lost in nightmares and desperate escape were nice add-ons for a more than reasonable price (5€ each) and since they came out a year (or was it 2?) after the game launched clearly no rip-off...
i love dark souls and the dlc is very nice, but in the end i think 15 €/$ was a bit much for the time u spend playing it. 10 € would have been more appropriate. i also don't like how dark souls became easier since the lauch with all the patches that came out. now u can buy certain items that were previously only available through enemy drops (like twinkling titanite), u get loot from lizards by simply killing them as opposed to looting the body, u get homeward bones for killing bosses, there are new bonfires u can warp to, etc.. all and all this doesn't really change the difficulty that much as it basically only makes the game more convenient, but i liked the unconvenient, more raw version of the original dark souls better. because it feels like a trend towards gathering more players/consumers nonetheless, and that's always a bad sign for game titles and their respective future.
coop totally kills everything this game is about. thank goodness is optional. that enemy isn't really new btw, in dead space there were a few like that (the soldiers with built in stasis modules). looks fearsome nevertheless and is probably challenging on higher difficulties (when playin alone of course).
speaking of challenge i hope they include a hardcore mode again. that mode was the ultimate challenge and the ultimate horror, because you really really really didn't want to die. no checkpoints, 3 saves and no ng+ benefits. nothing ever made me as nervous as playing that, it was awesome.
the ability to dodge is kinda lame in a game like dead space, i hope they make the difficulty and enemy ai appropriate for such a huge advantage for the player. i remember how terrifying multiple stalkers were in ds2, just imagine how lame they would be if you could simply dodge them.
lastly i'm not really excited about having to fight human enemies in this game, but i won't criticise it just yet, maybe it'll work out, we'll see. since i'm neither a big fan of fps nor of assassin's creed this will probably be the next game i'll buy. i just hope it's good...
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