@p4kman88 u can't slide in uncharted. and if u didn't notice this is resident evil 6 (!) not resident evil 1 or 2 from the 90's, and it's gonna be awesome
AHA. another reason to build (yet) another char :) this game is so awesome. i always wondered if the bring out a dlc for demon's souls to travel through that broken archstone in the nexus. never did, but here.. a manticore, a dragon, new areas.. looks good.
@sky-619 if it's the same as the ps3 version Kratos can actually fleece counter all of his projectile attacks (yes, even the hammer!), which makes Khan easy to beat on all difficulties as long as you keep your distance ;)
@DarthLod Amen to that. havin no mp raises the quality of most games that are built for the campaign/story experience. i didn't mind dead space 2 havin a mp cos i knew it was meant as a throw-in with the real focus on the story mode. tried the mp, it was fun for 2 or 3 days, the campaign i played for months over and over. but they could also have left the mp where it belongs.. uncharted (which is a lot of fun), and those firstpersonshooters i never play
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