@RSM-HQ: i think he read about someone who played it on easy as that starts you off with the assault rifle. i only saw enemies clip into each other after i lured them in position to make one big pile of zombies. and my first playthough was almost 11 hours. let the haters hate, this game is a gem and i couldn't care less if those guys exclude themselves from playing it.
People are giving out false information about this game. Now, just to be clear, i really don't care wether you get this game or not, but if you want to hear from someone who actually played it, here it goes:
The game is really well done. If anything the production value is higher than re2make. Raccoon City looks amazing and incredibly detailed. My 1st playthrough on standard took me 10:50 hours, so almost double of what most people think. But i did of course go through it slowly and tried to explore everything, kill a lot of enemies that i probably didn't have to kill, read the files, mess around with the perfect dodge timing and counterattacks, find the bobbleheads etc. If your playstyle is similar to mine you can sink some time into it. And then the replay value - oh boy. There are two more difficulties above hardcore (5 in total) and one of them is arrange mode, which by itself is a synonym for replayability. Fans of the original should know what this is about. Then you have a set of challenges to complete, like get 200 kills with a handgun, find all weapon upgrades etc. that give you points that you can then exchange for in-game upgrades like the crafting tool (you don't need it like in the original, it just makes more ammo then if you don't have it) or extra hip pouches. Then the higher difficulties, man, they're no joke. On standard the very, very last boss (you know, the one right after the last boss) is a really simple puzzle and he doesn't even really try to fight you. On the higher difficulties he has that extra charge of caffeine though and man he can kill you in an instant. If you get caught in his combos or miss a dodge he messes you up real bad. I for one love the switches between action and survival (i mean it's always survival, just sometimes less action). Well there's a lot to love and i think they nailed this game just like they nailed re2make. Lastly i read some people simply putting out wrong information, so let me be clear: yes you can fight nemesis outside of the mandatory boss fights and yes he drops stuff (upgrades and ammo).
you know this feeling when you think the whole world conspired to do an april's fools joke on you? that's the feeling i get from this game. but then i had the same feeling with minecraft. i guess i have to accept there are some thing that i just don't get.
@yeknomdab: ha, yeah ye olde paycheck generator, i like it. well i guess during these times i'm glad i can still work and get paid.
i usually don't play much after work, unless it's a friday. i mostly game in the weekend, although if i really like a game i can get addicted to it. e.g. nioh 2 i played every single day since it was released.
@Barighm: ps+ should of course also be seen as a really good promotion for the developers. also i'm pretty sure you don't put your game on ps+ for free.
i do regularly buy indie games (e.g. in 2019 salt & sanctuary, inside, oxenfree), but since they do have much less promotion you might sometimes find something really good on ps+ you never heard of before.
@DeadManRollin: i actually agree on this one, very much so. we are going to buy the "big" games anyway. give us more indies! my first ps+ game was Transistor, that is still one of the greatest games i have ever played. Indies own AAA-games most of the times in the actual gameplay and they try to innovate, which big games just don't dare to do.
RaveNRolla's comments