@nadsat-77: i agree, i described my method for crammed close encounters above. the far more annoying part for me was to get back to the bus after getting the medicine for Joseph and avoiding the turrets.
@jaypricel19: i beat akumu several times (platinumed on ps3 and ps4). i really like good challenges and akumu did provide just that. that room you're talking about is in fact one of the hardest parts in an akumu run but it is manageable.
my tactic was upgrading the blinding bolts. they're perfect for this. you don't have to aim them on an enemy, you can just shoot them in the ground or at a wall (very helpful in hectic situations like this), they have an aoe, so all surrounding enemies are blinded/stunned, this is where the upgrades play a significant role, since you can upgrade the duration enemies are blinded (up to 14 secs if i remember correctly) and it conserves ammo, since you can stealth kill blinded enemies (fully upgraded you can stealth kill 3-4 enemies with just one blinding bolt!!!). so that is my favourite tool/weapon helping me a lot throughout akumu.
Maybe this will motivate you to give it another try :)
Oh and blinding bolts are the cheapest bolts to make, so you shouldn't really run out if you keep disabling traps and such.
good luck selling that, unless it's backward compatible with the normal Ps4. the Ps4 hast just started its cycle basically, with a lot of great games, 50% of which were released this year (my opinion). on top of that there's a lot of big Ps4-titles announced that don't even have a release day yet. i think 2020 is the earliest they should even talk about a Ps5, though i'm not saying they're not trying it earlier.
I gave it a go last weekend, but i turned it off after a few minutes. it seemed really weird to me that when you saw someone walking he stuttered the whole time. Not the most fluid animation, even if it is a cartoon i imagine you can do more. My eyes couldn't take it at the time, but i might give it another shot when i'm less tired. I'm definitely intrigued, Castlevania was my favourite game back on gameboy in the 90s.
@jinzo9988: I wonder if anyone has actually ever played that game? ORC had MP with zombies, but that game at least had a story mode. (I'm also a die-hard RE-fan, and one of the few people on this planet who liked ORC, but i never even considered getting Umbrella Corps).
The stupid thing about good games is i mostly get them at release or shortly after ;) and uninteresting games just stay uninteresting, they don't become better because they got cheaper.
@drd7of14: One problem here is that everything in English is written without capital letters, apart from names (and stuff like "God"). We got the exact same word in German: "Paar". Paar with a capital letter means "pair" or couple as e.g. in husband and wife (it's always associated with the number 2). paar in small letters means "a few" or couple as e.g. i'll take a couple of those candy bars (could be 2 or 3 or more).
@TenraiSenshi: yeah, i just watched some gameplay. that was definitely the one, though i can't remember even beating the 1st chapter. same with FF10-2 (where you play only girls). i think because i played FF10 before those two, these games were too boring for me. FF10 was cool, except for the main character. i like turn-based combat from time to time.
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