@gameroutlawzz: if you are like me and do everything on each ng+ cycle (beat all optional bosses) you can just check your inventory for the boss souls (inc. Rosaria, Demon etc) and you know your progress. I always check everything before starting a new cycle. It's not even that necessary anymore since Dark Souls got a lot more mainstream and you'll hardly be missing out by passing up on a few items, but it's a habit from the Old Days of Demon's Souls and the 1st Dark Souls, where some items were really rare, so it was the best to get all of these items on each playthrough (like Dragonscale or Fire Keeper Souls in Dark Souls or Primeval Demon's Souls in Demon's Souls).
I was looking forward to this anyway, but demos are great. In this case though, all the demo can do for me is give me reasons not to buy it, because right now i already want to buy it day 1. i love a space horror setting for singleplayer, it's just the best (still hoping for a new Dead Space with Lexine as main protagonist).
these approximate lengths aren't very accurate (hence the word approximate ;) ). If you beat U2 in 10 hours, you'll probably beat this in 6-8. I on the other hand always explore a lot, search for treasures, stand still and look at vistas and such, so all games always take me longer than their approximate lengths. This will take me probably around 12-13 hours then. all uncharted games took me between 15 and 20 hours to beat the 1st time. I always start these kinda games on hard as well, so that might increase the lengts as well (compared to playing on normal).
Why does Matt have a wrap around his head? ARE THE OTHER THREE KIDNAPPING HIM???? jk, but why?
i liked Daredevil and JJ. Iron Fist i stopped after 2 episodes, because i didn't find it that interesting. Luke Cage i never watched, because i didn't like him in the JJ series. I was hoping a new Daredevil season would be released this spring, but apparently not.
Is this supposed to be continuing like this as a group or are they gonna make individual seasons again?
Also since i haven't watched the last two series, did any of the characters already meet up (apart from Jessica and Luke)?
who needs free indie games right now? seriously i can't keep up with all the excellent game releases right now. i'm still busy finishing Dishonored 2 and Rise of the Tomb Raider, so i haven't even started on re7, Nioh, Nier or Horizon yet. Prey looks also very much like a game for me, kinda Dead Space (setting) meets Dishonored (graphic, art style) with its own tricks.
Well, it doesn't always seem that way when i play online (PS). Lots of children around.
But hey good news, it means Sony should make more mature games for the Playstation (no handheld, 1 hour tutorial and constant reminder pop-ups). I'd definitely like that. Are they gonna do it though?
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