i'm really liking the art style. finally some tuned down, simple coloured and clothed japanese characters with normal haircuts. i'm not so much into the usual "hip" japanese character style (think tidus). Gameplay looks fun too.
One of many good games of early 2017. Once i finally finished my 2016 games i got a lot of games to buy.
EDIT: just realized these are the creators of Vanquish :o, damn, combat should be very solid then :) Nier just moved up the list.
I don't think i could play this after Dishonored. Master of Shadows was free for ps+ some time ago, but i got bored pretty fast. I was pretty much doing the same as in Dishonored, like finding a good hiding spot and observe enemy routes, make a plan and execute it (hopefully succesfully). But then Dishonored is just a whole different animal. the world, the gadgets, the powers, the myriad ways to beat a level, the side quests, which almost always give you a handy reward (like opening a new path), the dialogues of civilians and enemies alike and most of all the fact that you can customize you HUD exactly how you want it (read: get rid of all those stupid stupid stupid waypoints and redundant information á la "you can't carry anymore ammo because your inventory is full dumbass" made for 12 year-old gamers that don't care about immersion). big thumbs up for the Styx devs that they included the possibility of turning off waypoints as well. this should be implemented in ALL games!
classic mode is the only mode. they should permanently integrate it in the choice of modes. why is there even a beta testing for a game mode? just include it, the community is big and loud, so anything that sucks can be patched over time.
i hate reviving/down-state in U4, messes up the whole MP. classic and coop are the only fun modes in my opinion.
that game definitely had its moments. jill's story was really fun to play and the boat was a great location. what i did not enjoy that much were all those filler chapters where you'd play different characters in straight shoot'em all dead scenarios, without any puzzles, secrets or weapon upgrades. although those chapters made me enjoy the ones with Jill even more ;) also in the ps3 version (i did not play the handheld version) you had this "glide-over-the-ground"-effect when you move your character. not really nice, but not all that distracting either.
raid mode was a very succesful variation of the mercenaries mode in my opinion. no arena-type maps, but instead you were fighting your way through the different levels of the story with interesting and challenging variations of enemies with different types of buffs. finding upgrades and modding your weapons from say a standard semi-auto sniper to a sniper that would unload its whole clip at once, auto-reload, and use spare ammo of non-equipped weapons after you ran out of sniper ammo was something really new and fresh in a resident evil game (and you did need these kind of mods before even considering the hardest difficulty, let alone the last stage on the hardest difficulty). beating stages, leveling up and finding those upgrades kept me motivated for a long time.
it's cool, we actually get a few more episodes of a good series this way, since the series was planned for 7 seasons (7 houses, 7 kingdoms, 7 seasons). i don't know if it's an artificial lengthening of the show (mockingbird or harry potter style) and that season 7 and 8 actually belong together or if it actually makes sense that they're apart, but it means we're getting a total of 14 episodes instead of 10 which is cool. personally i can't imagine there has to be an 8th season, because the finale of the last (6th) season looked as much as endgame as endgame can look like and should be finished up in season 7, but i won't complain.
Sure it was a bad movie, but it was still enjoyable. You watch it for the same reason you watch fast & furious, some dumb entertainment where you don't have to follow a complex story. Perfect for a hangover-day.
RaveNRolla's comments