"a lot of freedom" can be a good or bad thing. good as in "different ways to tackle a certain scenario" (á la Dishonored) or bad as in "unfocused/pointless". i love that he wants to try to make it different and e.g. not use guns, but then you can't have the ability to shoot projectiles any other way either (mutated arm, slingshot, etc), because that would still be shooting and it wouldn't make a whole lotta difference to guns.
Since he basically just teases the concepts of his game it gives me actually more bad ideas then good ones right now :) online component integrated in an openworld game, where you can also play offline immediately makes me think of the Division, a game which didn't interest me in the slightest. "other ways than fighting" immediately make me think about stealth mechanics and takedowns, which is not innovative at all. but heck, i don't know, he sure will come up with something special. at least i hope so.
Hm, as someone who's played all major uncharted titles and lots of MP i never really found it to be very graphic in its violence nor do i remember a lot of swearing. there was a sort of drug at the end of u3, but it's definitely not about drug abuse, and the most erotic line in uncharted i remember is Chloe saying "is that an ancient dagger in your pants?" i mean Nate screams "CRAAAAaaaap" when he falls down a cliff, that's like a child word for shit in english i presume (or maybe not i don't know, i'm German). And i found the series to be very lighthearted, with lots of humor, maybe even a weebit of slapstick. Not that i mind it being pg-18, but i just expected pg-12 or 16, like most big action movies.
Still it could be a good movie. it's not a world where you can mess so many things up, like say a movie about bioshock where you'd have to be really careful about the tone of the movie and the representation of the world. Uncharted plays in our world (yes i know bioshock technically does too, but you get the point) and there are no fictional political themes or anything that has to be considered. the most important part would be to nail the cast and have it have the same charme and chemistry as they have in the game. Chris Pratt could bring it i think, sadly he doesn't want to. Elena would be very easy, since Emily Rose is actually an actress, she has the looks and well... she IS Elena (voice, movement, facial expressions) and it would be a super big plus for the fans of the series to have someone that familiar (and her actual voice). then you just make up a random warlord with his trusty (female?) sidekick who's searching for the same artifact you are. Throw in some comparable dialogue, some insane action scenes, some puzzling riddles and of course some beautiful exotic places and bam, done.
@scottyp360: yeah, sadly most games don't even have that. dishonored is a great exception, basically allowing you to customize your HUD the way you want it. i wish more games had that...
yay no minimap, i really like that. in favor of that fallout-style radar that is always easily ignorable and doesn't make you look at the bottom right corner of the screen for the entire game. still too many waymarkers for my taste but hopefully you can turn them off?
the world looks so gorgeous, it's always a shame if this is ruined by the HUD like in so many other beautiful games.
@dal81: i don't know what change you're talking about. i thought you 1st post was meant like "what? this game has coop? this sucks! game's way too easy this way" (paraphrased of course), but now you replied with that you actually play all the dark souls game in coop 1st, so what is the problem you are having with Nioh? any details?
@masscrack: i've noticed a little fatigue as well. x-men apocalypse and civil war both gave me this "meh"-feeling. i too think it's too much. i still enjoy the movies, but i'm almost numb to all those special effects by now so it really stands out negatively if the story doesn't hold up (whereas before exciting special effects could sometimes compensate a bad story).
@dal81: i don't get your point. isn't that the same with every coop game, or at least any dark souls game? i usually beat the 1st run on my own, summoning people only if a certain boss kicks my ass and i want to progress. the same when dlcs are released. of course it is the worst to have someone run forwards killing all enemies and showing you all routes when you haven't done that and wanna find out for yourself, but i can't imagine Nioh forces coop upon you, just like Dark Souls doesn't. you can still choose to do it solo, and dark souls has a fine system for that with humanity/embers, so that you won't even be bothered by invaders on your 1st go through a new area (ds2 is an exception).
so maybe i misunderstood you, but what's keeping you from playing the game solo? i haven't played / bought it yet, because i honestly don't have time for it, finishing up other games from the end of 2016, but i aim to buy it at some point.
was hoping for camilla. i don't know if she's actually a good actress, but it would have been the 1st time someone would be playing both the videogame character and the movie character. she would have definitely fit the role with her voice, looks and her body.
@Kusimeka: yeah, i'm with you on that definitely. i love the series and ds3 too. still... there being a menupoint in a dark souls game called "purchase add-ons" was a shocker to me. probably BECAUSE i like the game so much. and as i said i loved the dlcs so far (except ashes, lack of content and... snow). but if you're gonna release a DLC bout a half year after the game is released, why does there need to be a season pass BEFORE the actual release? other dark souls / bloodborne dlcs were handled classier.
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