@crazynotstupid: yeah i'm not saying stop now. i too wanna see how it all ends, but a prequel? what for? it's unnecessary. we already know the important stuff that matters of what happened before. all they can do is make up some new characters and let them die. it'd be stupid.
Nope, no need. Wrap this up without losing too much of the quality of the show and then focus on a new series for the coming years. A prequel for game of thrones is just screaming "WE WANT MORE MONEY!!!"
not ever having played Pokemon Go is written on my CV, right next to "i've never watched twilight". it's the little things that make you feel like a proud member of the human race.
this will be the 1st RE-title i won't preorder in the last years, except for Umbrella Inc. (mp only is not my kind of thing). there are two main reasons to preorder: 1. you really want the game on release day, possibly a few days early, useful for big titles which will sell out quickly (i played the last of us about a month later because i didn't preorder), 2. the preorder bonuses are too sweet to pass.
personally i'm not that hyped about this game. i will most definitely buy it, because i love resident evil, but probably not by the end of this month. dishonored 2 swept me away, i'm still very much into that game and i don't have as much time to game anymore :( shortly before i bought RiseOfCamillaLuddington, which is nice, but my progress is like 5% or something and last week i bought darkest dungeon, which i have not touched yet (looks like a game you should start when you have at least a whole evening). so right now i'm always messing about with U4 survival mode, since you can always find time for a few rounds and it's not the kind of game where you look up and suddenly it's the next morning (i get the feeling darkest dungeon is like that, and dishonored is definitely like that).
the preorder bonus for re7 in my country are extra herbs and hg ammo, which actually would make my experience worse, since i like challenges. then again, they're probably vouchers that i can simply choose to not redeem, like i often not do for my 1st playthrough. but there's just really no incentive to preorder this.
plus i agree with most people here that the movies are pretty bad. the 1st was ok and the 3rd was very entertaining, but the last couple of movies, especially the one where they fight through that "event-program" were indeed really really bad.
@rupanka801: bioshock infinite came out right. for me at least, i love that game. uncharted 4 was not what i thought it would be, though it is still a good and very polished/finished game, and my expectations (gameplay-wise) would not have been met either way, even if it was released earlier. so for me delays are actually often a good sign.
it can become a good movie. but without the looks and voice of Nathan Drake and companions it will never be Uncharted and disassociation is given. i like the idea of an animated movie i read a few comments below, using all original voice actors. it's mainly because the games already are partly like movies, so at least for uncharted-fans it will be weird to not hear the familiar voices. it can of course work fine for people who don't know uncharted.
this isn't assassin's creed, where the outfit is enough for any actor to give viewers the right feeling and you can tell a story about a new character. uncharted has to be about Nate.
i doubt bloodborne 2 is a thing, i would rather see a new game with equally awesome gameplay. the weapon transformation was amazing, but it also felt like there weren't enough ideas for it to even fill one game (inc. dlc), and making bloodborne 2 with the same weapons would be kinda boring. it's not like dark souls, where you can just put an estoc, uchigatana and greatsword into every game and people are happy.
RaveNRolla's comments