Kinda sad if you play this as a videogame. It's so easy to make with a bit of paper and a pen, or buy the real cards for 5€. For me a big part of the game is also to look at the others' faces to determine wether they're lying and play off of it while lying myself.
great year of gaming for me compared to last year, starting with the RE0make, dark souls 3 and uncharted 4 (the last two have a lot of replay value for me), bridging the summer with some cool indies like don't starve (though i'm not actually sure when it was 1st released) and ending on a very high note with dishonored 2 and rise of the tomb raider (ps4), although the latter i have barely played thanks to dishonored's awesomeness. I can't complain this year.
Even though there were and are still definitely too many remasters, i enjoyed going through all the bioshock titles once again and re5 is still one of the most enjoyable coop experiences on professional for me.
@dinho_: while souls is one of my favourite series of all time i think place #13 is fitting for this iteration. while it does offer some interesting new mechanics, for me it was relying too much on nostalgia. i missed the originality, creativity and to some level the identity of the game. the linearity was a bummer as well, as the other Souls games all gave you the option to try different areas from a central point (Nexus, Firelink Shrine, Majula), so you could choose the order in which you would progress through the game, which was cool, because you could always say (for example) i'll make my way to the iron keep now, because i don't feel like doing the gutter now and do that later. In ds3 whenever i start a new cycle it bothers me that after the undead settlement i always have to go through the road of sacrifices and go the same route basically that i already went last playthrough.
still the best gameplay overall though. i'm a big fan of the combat and (apart from carrying heavy weapons and armour) realistic movement in this game.
@beantownsean: when i was around 15 or so i recorded this from my parents premiere channel (like sky nowadays). i watched it at least 15 times in the 1st month (so yeah, every second day). nowadays there are a lot of movies that have big and epic battles, but back then this was it and it was awesome and it was bloody. i watched it again about 3 years ago, still a great movie in my opinion. yes, very dark, brutal and sad, but there's also comic relief, like the irish guy (who i believe was played by a Scot ;) ) or the naked butts scene. and back then i always got watery eyes when he was screaming "freedom!" right before he got executed. Damn, i gotta watch this again soon!
@heydink: "2017", so it could be a month from now or a year from now :( but yeah classic is definitely the best. loved the beta test. revives are what singehandedly destroyed this uncharted's MP for me. it's all sticking with your teammates or lose. i hate that. classic is like, well, classic uncharted MP, where you can win a match with individual skill. i usually play with friends, but as soon as a match starts we all run off in different directions, and we used to win like that. not in uncharted 4 though ;) where it's all team-based. not for me. classic mode is a must for me to come back to u4 mp.
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