@pcps4xb: no, just early footage. i was writing about the skill trees not being very original. might still be a very fun game though. gameplay of course is where it's at. but if the skill trees are copy and paste it gives me a bad feeling, as i now think other stuff too might be less original than i thought. #NoMoreFetchQuests
yawn... how original... damn, i was really looking forward to this, but this is like copy and paste from tomb raider and far cry and the like. doesn't mean it's gonna be a bad game, but doesn't particularly excite me either.
@balders74: it fills me with disgust. re5 had some good dlcs, with two cool story missions (if you liked the main game), which were basically more of the same but still had their own variations from the main game. plus they both came out a year after release and cost 5€ each.
re6's dlcs sucked and were all MP-based fun modes, the kind of stuff you should unlock after completing the story, play for a few rounds, giggle at and then never touch again. and they were most definitely planned from the start.
but releasing season passes for story content like with re7, before the actual game releases, is so wrong, so disgusting. and already setting dates for release early after the game releases.... i mean, they're not even ashamed of that it seems. they just think that's ok. F this!
though capcom isn't known to do "what gamers want" anymore. what really broke my heart though was that dark souls 3 had a season pass before release. the Souls series was one of the last that somehow gave the players (me at the very least) the impression they really cared about games and creating gameplay-focused experiences. it's a shame that at some point it all waters down to "selling our product" and "making more money". you make a good product, people will buy it. that's how it was with dark souls, that's how it was with bloodborne. both had one fantastic dlc, although both were a bit expensive for the content they had, they were both excellent. nowadays dark souls 3's menu looks like this: load...new game...information...PURCHASE ADD-ONS :( :( :(
i wonder though if RE2make is gonna make a lot of money. it's the die-hard oldschool resident evil fans that look forward to it the most, and we're a dying breed (and have wives and kids and work and generally not a lot of time to game). it's the guys that write on forums like this, which is the minority of gamers. and add to that, that we gamers get pissed off very easily. imagine they sell it for a full 60€... imagine they cut the camera angle view for a more modern 3rd person view (to make it more attractive for younger gamers)... imagine they add qte's (just kidding... hopefully)... imagine they completely scrap it because of too little financial gain through RE7 and Umbrella Corps (seriously though, who's idea was the latter??)...
i'm still very much looking forwards to RE2make. i actually can't think of any game i would want more right now. but is it gonna be a hot selling title?
totally addicted to this game right now. got it off the january ps store deal (8€-something) and i always wanted to try it. now 1st of all it is (sadly) not correct what the reviewer states, that every death is on you. there's a lot of RNG in this game and it can destroy you at will (random will that is ;) ). case in point i got into a random encounter in a dungeon (not in a room but inbetween rooms) against 4 spiders. i thought "Ha, easy", because i encountered them before, and while the have the ability to poison you, their 7 HP each are dealt with rather easily and my leper or highway man can take out multiple at the same time with certain abilities. BUT RNG decided to let every spider have a go before even 1 of my heroes could take action. So what did they do? 1st marked my healer, 2nd mauled my healer, 3rd mauled my healer (sending her to death's door) 4th deathblew my healer. That was the most ridiculous encounter ever. It should be noted that all of my characters were more or less at full hp before the encounter, and when my boys were finally allowed to do something the spiders were no longer. Still... what the hell?
Other than that i haven't gotten as far (a few level 3 chars now), but i can imagine getting to the final dungeon might be as tedious as most describe it. regarding the afflictions and diseases, they're kinda random too. i don't like quitting dungeons because my characters are going insane, only if 1 or 2 are already dead. so naturally my level 3 chars all have a full set of 5 afflictions, but some are as meaningless as the char in questions opens certain loot chests by himself only so i can still choose what i want and what not. of course you can get diseases or bleed statusses from loot, but i loot everything anyway so that's not really a negative perk to me (mind you it's not the same as your starting character's affliction, who actually keeps loot for himself). so i just cure the stuff that has impact on combat, like less damage output and rather put all my resources into upgrading my characters abilities and weapons. the rest doesn't really matter that much i found so far. it's tough but a hell of a lot of fun. let's see if i make it to (and through) the endgame or if i get bored like some of you did.
From my perpective they're both half-assed ideas. it would never enter my mind to buy a new console, when my current one is 2 years old and i own just about 10 games for it. The market for these consoles can't be really that big, can it? you would either have to not own a ps4 or xone, so it's worth the upgrade from a ps3 or x360, or you have to be a total graphic and performance nerd, who also has a lot of money and who is not a pc player (although i'd say it's fair to assume that most graphic and performance nerds are pc players). Seems to me like the market is rather small for these products.
@cilvar: yeah, they should make every game with a customizable hud and in-game information like dishonored where you can turn everything on or off from health/mana bars to contextual icons (e.g. R2 to stealth kill) to "cement-head" pop-ups like `you can't carry anymore ammo of this type´ and everything in between.
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