thx for mentioning button prompts!!! it's something widely accepted nowadays, but it's really just taking away immersion and makes it so you don't have to think, experiment or explore for yourself anymore. i hate them almost as much as waypoints (though waypoints/objective markers are clearly the worst). every game (especially games like this who want to immerse the player) should have the option to disable those, like a certain stealth-action game that was released recently. i understand there are people who just don't want to or can't invest much time in gaming, and for those people it's ideal to have all those handholding options so you can finish a game quickly, but for someone who wants to take his time and really dive into the world it's just so annoying getting rushed by the game itself or being told what button to push where, even though one could easily figure it out by oneself.
this should be rated negatively more often, or positively if a game offers the option to turn it off (or not integrate them in the 1st place). it's the reason i never even tried the division for example.
@livedreamplay: it's a guess obviously, but i've seen trailers like this often, so it's partly based on my experience as well. anyway if its gameplay is like the 1st i'm gonna love it. Ellie = infinite shivs??? We'll see...
that's kind of a useless list if you don't include what these bonecharms do. also there is no bonecharm that makes you strangle enemies faster, because it's bugged among all platforms ;) try it if you don't believe me. equipping (or god forbid crafting) a strong arms bonecharm increases choketime instead of decreasing it. it's clearly a programming mistake, but yeah, it's there and it hasn't been fixed yet.
wow, haha, every female lead character is now automatically classified as feminist. you guys are all so sad. so sad. got a question though: is it only the teens among you that think that way (sort of acceptable) or are there 20+ among you guys too?
I'm very excited to play as Chloe in her own story. She's my favourite character in uncharted.
the game's i'm playing right now are rise of the tomb raider and dishonored 2, looking forward to horizon as well. i play uncharted 4's mp regularly using exclusively female characters. so yeah, that's me. you people are hilarious.
@Coolyfett: dlc means downloadable content, friend. you mean it isn't an add-on, but if you can download it from the ps store it sure as hell is a dlc.
i really hope the game's gonna be a bit progressive/innovative. i like the idea and the heroine. i just hope it's not your average open-world game with the ususal sidequests and the usual annoying collectibles. i get bored by these games so fast nowadays it's crazy. fallout 4 took me 4 months (!!!) to complete because i never felt like playing it.
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